Win First, Then Rams Can Talk About Major Upgrades at the Dome

By Randy Gardner

Are you getting sick of the entire Rams Dome talk? I am. Everybody and their brother knew that the initial differences between the two sides would be really far apart and they were.

There are so many questions that need to be worked out. First off, Retractable roof, I agree but not adding it on to this stadium. To spend another $750 million to upgrade this place is ridiculous when you see the palace that Jerry built in Dallas for “only” a few hundred million more.

Secondly, where would the team play for the 2- 3 years that it would take to renovate or rebuild. Would it be Busch Stadium? Who knows. There is never going to be a solution to this problem.

There will always be a side that will be unhappy till the  team owners  decide to leave. I don’t think that will happen either because it will take several years to build a stadium somewhere else.

Most of the people I have talked to about this say for the team to just concentrate on winning and everything else will fall into place. That’s true. Winning solves everything.

People in the St. Louis area, whether fans or not, will support a winning franchise. So win first and deal with the big money ticket items later. Look at the St. Louis Blues, as soon as they started winning this year, they were the talk of the town.

Getting Tired of Dumb Adults at Kids’ Games

I know I talk about this all of the time but I hit the pinnacle last night at my son’s ball game. The kids are seven years old and the parents and coaches are totally out of control. I was coaching behind the plate when the coach from the other team came out onto the field and argued with the umpire for 10 minutes about a stupid call.

The parents were all yelling also. I came so close to saying, hey get your dumb a** off of the field but that would stoop me to his level. I kept my mouth shut and just watched as he threw his arms and yelled at this poor older man who was just trying to make a buck or two umpiring baseball.

If you are one of these people that feel that they have to show off for the parents on the team— get a life. Next time, I am saying something to anybody who does this. It’s ridiculous; stop trying to live your life through your kids. It’s  usually parents that were frustrated athletes that were cut from  their high school team or didn’t even play at all. This goes for all sports, coaches and parents alike. Leave the kids alone and let them play and have fun.

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