Haslett Shows He’s A Player’s Coach


Okay, so it’s a new season for the St. Louis Rams, that’s the way that you have to look at it. We have 11 of the games left and we are 1-0. The team played, I would say well, as they didn’t play perfect but they played with enough heart against the Redskins to sneak out a road win.

I actually think that games like that one are more powerful and uplifting to win than blowouts. Again, the offense did not score any points; thank goodness the Rams have an excellent field goal kicker in Josh Brown.

On Monday, Head Coach Jim Haslett was in a great mood as he joked with the media about the big hit that he put on a Redskins player as he ran out of bounds. Haslett said that it was either him or me going down and ” it wasn’t going to be me.”

A slight face to face squirmish broke out between the two players but it was great to see Haslett step up and show the team that he is the leading man. It all starts with the dead coach.

I am really excited to see what will happen against Dallas, especially with Tony Romo out. The game is at the dome, coming off a big win, could they sneak another one out. If they would they would solidly be back in the hunt because this division as I mentioned last week is horrible.

I also have to make mention to my favorite athlete, Kurt Warner, as he has guided this Arizona team to the top over the first quarter of the season. As I always say, good things happen to good people and Kurt is one of them. Also, John Lynch, remember the hard hitter from the Buccaneers might be looking to get back into the league after as he said, “I didn’t quit football, football quit me.”

He talked about how bored he is now and would love to come back. I think that he would make an excellent player for this Rams team, utilized in the right role. Give it a thought.

Blues Start is Encouraging

The St. Louis Blues are off to a great start, as I write this column; the team is coming off of a big overtime shootout win to go 2-1 on the season. There is such a renewed energy around this team and franchise right now.

I was at a charity event on Monday as the Blues played a rare afternoon game and the buzz was what was is the score of the Blues game. We have not seen that in several years around here. I would love to see this team do well and get back to that string of consecutive playoff appearances that they had for so many years. I love the youth movement that surrounds this team, they took the time to work players through the system and it is paying off and then veterans like Keith Tkachuk are really stepping early as Keith has 3 goals already.

As with baseball, it is a long season, so let’s take it slow and enjoy the ride. There are going to be some great winter nights both at the Scottrade Center and at home in front of the TV watching the Blues with a roaring fire in the background.

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