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Read More5 Class Track And Field Includes Double Districts, Sectionals
By Jim Wieners
Beginning this Spring High School Track And Field Championships will compete in Five Classes with three of the largest, Three-Five, competing in the same week with 24 districts May 16, 12 Sectionals May 23 and the State Championships held May 29-30 at Lincoln University’s Dwight T. Reed Stadium, Jefferson City.
This year the Class Five, District Three meet and the Class Three, District Three meet will be held May 16 at Lutheran High School North on the Peterson Memorial Track, an eight-lane all-weather facility. There are multiple parking lots but the size of each is limited and parking on Lucas-Hunt Road is likely not available. Field events begin at 9:30 a.m., running preliminaries begin at 10:30 a.m. and running finals start at 12:50 p.m.
Competing in Class Five, District Three will be DeSmet Jesuit, Hazelwood Central, Hazelwood East, Hazelwood West, McCluer North, Francis Howell North, Parkway North, Pattonville and Ritenour. Compeing in Class Three, District Three along with host Lutheran North will be North Technical, Trinity Catholic, McCluer South-Berkeley. O’Fallon Chrisitan, Duchesne, Lutheran St. Charles County, Normandy Collaborative, Northwest Academy of Law, Orchard Farm, Winfield and Wright City.
There are 18 events each for boys and girls and the top four district finishers advance to the May 23 Sectionals. Qualifiers from Class Five, District Three will be likely be at Mary Institute-Country Day School. It is a large campus with the track, an all-weather type is on the west side with parking on grass is west of the track and football field and on the east side of Lindbergh Boulevard with only one entrance. Lindbergh is divided by a barrier and access on Lindbergh to MICDS is north bound only from Ladue Road.
MICDS will host two sectionals May 23, Class Five, Sectional Two and Class Four, Sectional Two so the event begins at 10 a.m. with field events while running events begin at 11 a.m. MICDS will also host the Class Four District three meet May 16 with field events beginning at 9:30 a.m., running preliminaries begin at 10:15 a.m. and running finals begin at 12 noon. Competing in Class Four, District Three that feeds into Sectional Two besides MICDS are McCluer, Incarnate Word Academy, Riverview Gardens, Jennings, Clayton, Ladue-Horton Watkins, Priory, St. Charles, University City, Vashon, Villa Duchesne and Visitation Academy.
Class Three runnners that finish in the top four in District Three will be in Sectional Two May 23 to be likely held in Montgomery County. Field events begin at 10 a.m. and running events start at 11 a.m.
Since there will be three classes competing in the May 29-30 State Championships in Jefferson City the starting times for running events will be at 10:30 a.m. each day.
FESTUS EARLY BIRD BOYS — McCLUER finished second with 90 points, 13 behind the winning host team, Festus (103) on Mach 28 and 35 ahead of third-place Jefferson City (55). McCluer South-Berkeley was 10th with 31. McCluer won the 4×100-Meter Relay (43.61 seconds), 4×200-Meter Relay (1:30.30) and 4×400-Meter Relay (3:32.37).
Three McCluer runners had a one-two-three finish in the 200-Meter Dash as Kevin Spraggins won (22.28 seconds) followed by Asa McFadden (22.52 seconds) and Henry Jones (22.54 seconds). Raequan Stallings won the 100-Meter Dash (11.35 seconds). OTHER FINISHERS: Hazelwood Central finished second in 4×200 Relay (1:32.9) while Davion Collins, Hazelwood East was second in Long Jump (20’7″).
FESTUS EARLY BIRD GIRLS — HAZELWOOD CENTRAL finished fourth with 56 points. East St. Louis, Ill., and Jefferson City shared first place with 63 points each, Lutheran South was third with 57 and McCluer South-Berlekey with fifth with 44.
Hazelwood Central won the 4×200-Meter Relay (1:45.51) while finishing second in the 4×100 Relay (49.88 seconds-McCluer South-Berkely won in 49.57 secxonds) and the 4×400 Relay (4:05.15). Destiny Nash was third at 400 Meters (58.76 seconds) and Destiny Brown was third in the Triple Jump (33’7.5″). ALSO Kenyah Smith, McCluer, was second in the Triple Jump (35’0.5″).