Florissant Council OKs New Restaurant, Ends Cross Keys TIF

Florissant Council
OKs New Restaurant,
Ends Cross Keys TIF

By Carol Arnett

The Florissant City Council met via Zoom last week. It was a short agenda with no public hearings.
The council passed a bill that will authorize a division of property at 14065 New Halls Ferry Road. The building is on the corner of New Halls Ferry and Lindbergh Blvd, in front of the Cross Keys Center. The council discussed this at a previous meeting.
The owner, Mary Nguyen, wants to use half the building as a restaurant and half as another business. The restaurant will occupy the back portion of the building, and the front portion will be something else.
In other action, the council:
• Passed a bill terminating the Tax Increment Financing (TIF) within the Cross Keys Redevelopment Area.
The TIF was developed in 2003, with bonds issued from it expiring in May 2021.
“I was at several meetings when this TIF was proposed and it was a detailed process,” said Councilman Keith Schildroth. “At the end of the day, this TIF is retired. The people on the council at that time did the right thing and I want to commend them.”
• Held the first reading on a bill authorizing supplemental budget adjustments to roll over Fiscal Year 2020 outstanding appropriations in various funds.
•Held the first reading on a bill authorizing an appropriation of $40,000 from the Capital Improvement Fund for repairs on the Wiese House.
• Passed a resolution congratulating Dan O’Donnell on his retirement as president and business manager of the Roofer’s Local N. 2