Sunday’s Loss A Real Disappointment, But We Can be Happy For Warner

I sit here again this week in a world of pity, as the Rams made me eat my words. I said that they were on a roll and would finish fine after their two big wins against Washington and Dallas. The team just totally tanked it last week against Arizona.

The team came out with no passion at all in a game that meant so much. With a win, the Rams could have made a great run for division even with the crappy record that they have.

On the other hand, I am really happy for Kurt Warner, as he came home to the dome and played very well. I think this shut up his nay sayers. Kurt is 38 and this is probably his last hoorah, I hope that he goes out in a winning tradition. I think he has the mindset that he will not stay round too long, like some other athletes who just kind of fade away into the sunset after a great career.

Back to the Rams though, what can we do? Everyone thought that Coach Jim Haslett would be the answer, and for a couple of games he was. I think he is too. I like his passion with this team. He has the respect of the players, and I think the fans are also starting to jump on board.

Let’s just let this season play out – good or bad – and then make our decision. Remember, this is our team – the Rams. If we lose this team, believe me, we won’t see another NFL team for a long, long time. If you look at the injury list, it continues to grow as now Drew Bennet and now Dante Hall are gone for the season with an ankle injury. The running back corp looks real thin.

Mizzou Still in Big 12 Title Hunt

How about those Missouri Tigers? They put the numbers back up in a good way against Baylor. I think this team will be okay for the year. Too bad though they let a couple of the big ones, over the past couple of games, slip away. With Texas Tech beating Texas and some other upsets we’ve seen, the Tigers could be right there in the Big 12 title game

Who would have ever thought that a few years ago that we would be sitting here complaining about the Tigers being ranked between 10 and 20 in the National Polls.

As I always talk about with the Rams, let’s enjoy what we have with the Tigers because, as with all teams, there will another day when the team will go through the doldrums. Let’s ride out this year, get to a bowl game and win, and then make a run for it over the next couple of years. I am pretty worried though as we lose some of our playmakers like Chase Daniels and Chase Coffman.
I had a chance to sit down and interview Mary Cay Rackers, the mother of Arizona Kicker Neil Rackers who grew up in North County.. The stories were great as she talked about the day he was drafted by the Bengals.

Neil was on the phone with the Chicago Bears getting his information to be drafted, and then they said we can’t talk to you anymore, the Bengals just drafted you. He loves Arizona as he is now the highest paid kicker in the NFL.

Mary said that life as a kicker’s mom is just as, if not more nervous than being the kicker themselves. She wouldn’t change it for the world, watching her son be a star and give back to the community. Neil is a graduate of Aquinas Mercy High School and the University of Illinois.

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