Injury to Feely Makes It Easy For the Rams’ QB Choice This Week


Let’s look on the bright side, at least this year: the St. Louis Rams started the season off with at least one victory. The team is now 1-1 in the pre-season and they will play the New England Patriots  there on Thursday night.

Let’s don’t get too excited though, as the past preseason game that we won was played on a wet rainy night in Cleveland. Sam Bradford did pretty good but AJ Feely did even better. Neither was great.

Since  Feely hurt his hand this week, that’s a break that Sam Bradford and maybe the coaching staff need, so they don’t have to make a decision, and will  start Bradford. This is what the fans want anyway.

As a whole, if you look at what Steven Jackson means to this team, it’s substantial.

Without him, I’m not sure where this Rams team will be, as he is definitely one of the strongest players on this team and the league and he really has no quality backup now.

It was nice to see that the Rams picked up DeNario Alexander from Missouri to be a wide receiver. This guy has  got some speed and it should be somebody that Bradford can throw to. I started off with a prediction of 7-9 but I might change to 4 and 12. Give me one more game to make a decision here on where I stand.

Little League World Series is Fun

Another sport that has really intrigued me over the past few days and weeks is the Little League World Series. It is so cool to sit and watch these kids that are 12 and 13 years old play baseball and at a level that is  beyond them.

As I’ve mentioned in other columns, I think it’s every dad’s dream to have their kids play professional baseball. I think this is the closest thing to professional baseball that a youngster, especially at this age can achieve.

This really gives you an opportunity to look around the world and see that kids of all nationalities love the game of baseball. You see kids of all shapes and sizes, kids from 70 pounds to 270 pounds playing a game that they love. You can tell they love it as they are playing with so much passion. The worst part of the game though is that one team has to lose.

It’s almost heartbreaking to see that one team has to lose in any of these games because these kids take it so seriously and they love playing so much.  But I think this is what sports are all about, teaching kids how to win and also how to lose.  These are  valuable lesson in life.

Last Year or M.U. and Illinois in St. Louis

It is almost ashamed that this will be the last year of the Missouri Illinois state farm rivalry game at the dome. I know there are certain reasons why this has happened in terms of stopping the games, but I think for the city of St. Louis and all the Missouri Illinois fans, this is an awesome experience to start the season.

This is definitely one of those games where even if you’re not a fan of either team just being in the dome and hearing the cheering all game long is great at any age.

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