POWERplex Adds Fourth of July Shows & Fireworks

Freedom Fest Continues Concerts, Movies at POWERplex; Fireworks Drive-In St. Louis, along with sponsor Schnucks, have announced the lineup for the Freedom Fest entertainment at POWERplex over the Independence Day…

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Commentary:    Police Chief took Right action in firing officer

Florissant Has Always Worked with Minority and Religious  Community Leaders By Rance Thomas I would like to commend the Florissant Police Department for terminating Detective Joshua L. Smith from the…

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Graham Rd. Construction Starting

Graham Rd-St. Ferdinand Street Resurfacing Work Starts in June Mayor Tim Lowery has announced that St. Louis County Department of Transportation has awarded the contract for roadway improvements to Graham…

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POWERplex Concerts Attract Many Wanting Safe, Fun Time

POWERplex Fills Entertainment Void for Eager Guests; Hosts Local Grads too On May 21, POWERplex, off Highway 370, began hosting outdoor concerts and movie nights. The venue follows all the…

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