CDC National Health Survey Underway in St. Louis County
The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), the most comprehensive study of the health and nutritional status of the U.S. population is underway in St. Louis County beginning Sept.…
Florissant Rotary Club Donates More Than $105,000 To Local Charities for 2010-2011
JoAnn Donovan, Florissant Rotary retiring president, presents a $10,000 check to Betty Seeney, TEAM executive director. Rick Niblett photo JoAnn Donovan, retiring president of the Florissant Rotary Club, and Robert Lowery,…
Just for Seniors
This column lists events for the senior citizens of Florissant and North County. Note that some of the activities are for Florissant residents only. For more information, call the Florissant…
Just For Seniors
(Posted April 5, 2011) This column lists events for the senior citizens of Florissant and North County. Note that some of the activities are for Florissant residents only. For more…
Just For Seniors
This column lists events for the senior citizens of Florissant and North County. Note that some of the activities are for Florissant residents only. For more information, call the Florissant…
Chamber of Commerce Business Showcase at JFK Community Center, Saturday, March 12
The Greater North County Chamber of Commerce will sponsor its 23 rd Business Showcase on Saturday, March 12, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m., at the John F. Kennedy Community Center, 315…
Christian Hospital Schedules March Community Programs
Christian Hospital will hold the following programs in March: Financial Boot Camp: Fitness for Your Finances, March 2, 10-11:30 a.m., at Northwest HealthCare Community Room, 1225 Graham Rd. The Financial…
Christian Hospital Making History In Treating Lung Cancer With da Vinci® Robot
Christian Hospital has acquired the da Vinci® surgical system and on Feb. 8 making health-care history with the St. Louis region’s first-ever full lung lobectomy to effectively treat lung cancer,…
Just For Seniors
This column lists events for the senior citizens of Florissant and North County. Note that some of the activities are for Florissant residents only. For more information, call the Florissant…
2 New Centenarians at Village North Retirement Center
Art Klassing, a fellow Village North resident, serenades Johnnie Riviere with a birthday song at her party on Jan. 26. Johnnie Riviere and Ed Juriewicz just turned 100 years old…