Famous Senior Noon Countdown to 2013 a Huge Success

The annual Senior New Years Eve Party at the James J. Eagan Center was once again a success. It was one of the largest gatherings ever hosted at the Eagan Center. The Michael Lacy Band provided entertainment and Tornatores provided catering. Senior Coordinator Peggy Hogan and all of the great members of the Senior Advisory Commission created a ballroom atmosphere enjoyed by all. The partygoers had lunch, danced, and counted down to the new year and 12 noon.

Mayor Thomas Schneider thanked all the business’s and organizations who sponsored the event and donated prizes. Council members John Grib, Joe Eagan, Pat Stinnett, Jackie Pagano, Keith Schildroth and Tim Lee worked at the event.

The party recently received some national attention when Jay Leno mentioned the noon countdown, a highlight of the party, on The Tonight Show recently.


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