Florissant City Council Meeting: More OK with . . .

Adult Day Centers at Strip Centers

Most of City Council still Opposes it

By Carol Arnett

City of Florissant logoFollowing the swearing in of new Mayor Timothy Lowery and Municipal Judge Mary Elizabeth Dorsey at the last Florissant City Council meeting, the council continued with business as usual, with a public hearing and several bills on the agenda.

The public hearing was about a request for a special use permit for Unique Loving Hands Day Care for the operation of an adult day care at 620 N. Highway 67. This is in Florissant Meadows Shopping Center. The proposed business would serve up to 33 clients.

Lashonda Mays Boykins and Clarence Boykins are the owners of the project and addressed the council.

“I don’t think this is the proper use in a strip center,” Councilman Gerard Henke said. He said he wanted to let everyone know up front how he felt about the day cares in shopping centers.

Clarence Boykins pointed out other centers that had businesses that were not retail, including doctors’ offices, urgent care centers, and therapy offices.

“Just because a building meets the building code requirements, it may not meet the zoning codes requirements,” said City Attorney John Hessel.

“I agree with Mr. Henke on this,” said Councilman Joe Eagan. He said he was on the council when it voted to ban child day care centers in strip malls and he thinks that adult day cares should also be banned.

   Councilman Robert Parson said he was looking at every business on an individual basis. He has questions about drop-off and pick-up at the center. Boykins said that the clients would be dropped off by family or friends in the front. If the center provides transportation, they will come in the back entrance.

“I don’t have concerns about this,” said Councilman Andrew Harris. “I’m in favor of it.”

Lashonda Mays Boykins said that she wanted to know why so many council members are against the adult day care centers. She said that dialysis centers have been approved. She added that dialysis centers also serve many seniors and have more people drop-offs and pick-ups than her business would have.

Several people spoke at the hearing. More were in favor of adult day care centers in shopping centers than against them. The council held a first reading on the bill that would approve the project.



  • Postponed a second reading on a bill that would appropriate $80,000 for the demolition of the Koch Aquatic Center.
  • Passed two bills that would amend certain accounts to reflect $25,000 in grant revenue and authorize an appropriation of $50,000 for Sunset Greenway Trail slope repair.
  • Passed a bill that would authorize the city to enter into a lease/purchase agreement with NOKF, N.A., to finance the costs of making energy efficient improvements to various city facilities.

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