Cardinals Always Seem to Surprise Me, In a Good Way

By Randy Gardner

You know you are getting old when someone tells you something less than 24 hours ago and you totally forget it… or is that what 3 kids will do to you. Anyway, I am happy to get this column in before deadline as I wanted to say how wrong I was about the Cardinals losing to the Nationals.

I thought with the way that the season went that they would have a hard time with the Nats and they did. Experience and determination and a bit of youth made all of the difference. Myself along with many others that I talked to went to sleep and woke up to the fact that the Cardinals had slowly chipped away at the 6-0 lead and won the game.

Right now as I write this, the series is tied at 1 game a piece. I don’t know whether to jinx the team and say that they will win because everytime I say they will lose they win. So I will just say that the Cards will not have enough in the tank to beat the Giants but deep at heart I think they do.

There is nothing like playoff baseball and the atmosphere. I love to see the highs and lows of the crowds , and that was never more evident than in the Nationals series. Best of luck to the birds.

On Rams and Tigers

Onto the Rams and the Tigers, well a least the Rams had a chance, the Tigers were just completely outplayed and outmanned. Some of these big time schools like Alabama are powerhouses that Mizzou just isn’t ready for yet. They are going to take their bumps for awhile in the SEC but I think they will come around.

As far as the Rams, most of us would say after 6 games to be 3-3 would be great and they are. Let’s get off of their backs and let them play. They will be fine. For anybody who says that the kicking game doesn’t play a big role in the NFL you are crazy. They are one of the most important guys on the field and if you look at this Rams team with the great rookie kicker like they have, they could be 6-0

Finally a big thank you to everyone who reads my columns, I am always amazed at how many people will quote things and dispute things I say here. Remember, sports are fun and it is fun to stir up controversy.  A special thanks to Ziggy for always checking in with the paper. If you see out and about make sure to stop me and let me know what your thoughts are on a specific topic, its always fun to chat. Let’s go Cards and Rams and Mizzou still has Kentucky  and Syracuse on their football schedule.

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