Mayor Asks Residents, Businesses to Spruce Up for the Valley of Flowers

This is 50th Anniversary of the Festival


The first Valley of Flowers was celebrated on April 20, 1963. It was a cooperative effort of the City, the Chamber of Commerce, Florissant Historical Society, Florissant Federated Garden Clubs, Men’s Garden Club, Florissant Junior Women’s Club and the local news media of the day.

The goals of that first celebration were to make Florissant a better place in which to live, attract more tourist and visitors, encourage more businesses to locate in Florissant, increase property values, further Florissant loyalty and appreciation, and make the city even more beautiful than it already was.

Mayor Tom Schneider and the City Council is asking every resident and business owner to join city employees in making Florissant as beautiful as possible for the festival.

Florissant Public Works and Parks Department personnel will be giving extra attention to duties that will have a noticeable impact on the appearance of the city.

Parks Maintenance personnel will be giving priority to maintaining islands and common ground in subdivisions, including grass cutting and over seeding, tree and shrub trimming, mulching and filling in tire ruts. Parks Maintenance will continue to maintain all of our beautiful parks and get them in outstanding shape in time for the festival.

Public Works will be repairing and replacing any damaged or fading street signs. All signs illegally on public right of way will be removed. Property owners and renters with illegal signs on private property will be requested to remove them to avoid a summons. Public Works will be increasing our street sweeping service and all field personnel are instructed to stop and pick up any litter or debris found in the street.

Code Enforcement Personnel will give extra attention to problem properties in the city.  Grass and weed violations will be immediately brought to the attention of property owners. Vacant lots already identified as problem areas will be maintained with the cost billed to the property owner. Lawn Care company maintenance results will be monitored to encourage them to do excellent work, especially those that work for lending institutions with vacant property.

Mayor Schneider and the Florissant City Council encourage every resident and business owner to give extra attention to their property. In addition to routine maintenance, residents may want to plant new flowers and shrubs if possible, in honor of the 50-year tradition that is the signature event of Florissant and North County.


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