The Dining Divas Try Out The Block in Webster Groves

By Lisa Kampeter

Webster Groves is one neighborhood that I love to visit.  So when the Dining Divas decided to head on down to The Block, I was excited.  I’d driven by the place on Lockwood a few times before and every time said “we need to go there.”  It’s set in Old Webster, but there’s nothing old about it.

Vegetarians, beware.  This is not the place for you.  The Block is known as a restaurant, butcher, and a bar.  Immediately when you walk in, you’ll notice the prime cuts of meat showcased in their meat case.  Anything tempting?  No problem.  They’ll cut you some meat and wrap it up nicely in butcher block paper for you to take home.

The Block butchers its own grass-fed meat and showcases local specials every week.  It’s definitely a destination for meat lovers.

But if you’re with a big group of friends, don’t expect to be able to carry on a conversation.  We just couldn’t hear each other.  Had it been a Spring night, dining on the patio may have been more enjoyable.  And, don’t expect to be able to enjoy your friend’s photo album of her latest adventure to Africa.  Lighting was minimal.  Maybe it was to create an ambiance.  But then again, we were in a restaurant that’s known as a butcher…and a bar.  Not sure what ambiance that creates.

But the evening was still delightful.   We started the meal off with a bread basket…not the complimentary kind, but the kind you pay six bucks for.  It had an assortment of breads with different flavored butters.  The bread was delicious but pricey for a bread basket.  We devoured the Roasted Mushroom and Swiss appetizer with plans to recreate the recipe at home.

Served with country bread, it’s The Block’s take on fondue.  According to the Italian Diva, it was one of the best foods ever to touch her lips.   The Education Diva passed around her Spinach Salad with apples, pecans, and cheddar, and we all loved it.

For the main course, a few of us decided on the White Wine Braised Pork.   Our accommodating waiter swapped out the turnips for the Picky Diva who claims the word “turnip” makes her stomach turn.  Not sure what she was expecting when she was alarmed by the bone in the pork.  Our waiter did tell us the meat came from the shoulder.  The consensus on the braised pork was similar.  It was just okay.  And the potatoes that came with the meal were way too salty.  The World Traveling Diva drank bottles of water when she got home, and she doesn’t even like water.

We were primed for excellent meat at The Block, and the Practical Diva was confident the Block Burger would wow her.  Unfortunately, it was just okay also.  As was the Amish Chicken.  Nothing special. The Pork Chop did not disappoint.  We all had to try the lone dish ordered, and we all wished we had more.

So should I happen to be in Webster again some evening, I may go back to The Block.  I’d definitely order the mushroom appetizer and the chop.  And hopefully, the weather permits outside dining so I can carry on a conversation without straining to hear or losing my voice from shouting.  It’s in Old Webster, and that’s one neighborhood I love to revisit.

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