There’s Nothing Like A Rival College Game


Even if you are not a football fan, you can’t help but enjoy yourself watching college football. That was never more true than this past weekend as Mizzou and Illinois hooked up at the dome for an unforgettable game. This one went all the way down to the wire with Mizzou eventually winning but the fans were in it till the end.

I talked about it before but never have you experienced an atmosphere like this at a college football game especially at the Dome with two rivals from across the rivers. It is so loud and passionate at a game like this, it makes the NFL look like a JFL game.

Hopefully, they will keep this rivalry going for the next 20 years and you know it will be a sellout every game
after this great one. Luckily, Mizzou won the game or I
would have never heard the end of it. John Parker, took Mizzou by 20 but I took them by 10 because anytime you put a team in an atmosphere like that anything can happen. Mizzou only won by 6. To look more into that statement look at Appalachian State at Michigan where the Wolvemarines were upset by a 1AA college football team (although a champion at that level) . Some people are saying that this is the biggest upset ever in the history of college football. Not sure that’s true as parody has taken hold of college football and each year lately a second tier team has knocked off a big school favorite.


There are so many people wrapped up in the David Beckham saga and there are a lot of them heading up to Kansas City at the end of the month to see him play. Unfortunately, Beckham hurt his knee last week and could miss several weeks. What does this mean for people who have bought tickets in certain venues just to see him?

The Kansas City game will be right at about the time he is due back, so they might get a chance to see him play. I can imagine that people might get mad if they travel along way to see him play and he doesn’t or do you just chalk it up to bad luck on the viewer’s hands. I am really anxious to see if the crowds in the upcoming cities will dwindle back down if he doesn’t play.


The Rams bring home the Governor’s Cup after a pretty quite boring game at the Dome. The games in the preseason are boring and the fans know it. After the first quarter many of them start to leave. At the end of Thursdays game against Kansas City there were just a few thousand fans left in the building. Should the games be discounted in the preseason since the starters don’t even play, what do you think?

I thought the team would be at around 10-6 and I will stay with that prediction. I think that Steven Jackson will have a huge year this season, maybe league record-breaking numbers. He really seems like he is on a mission this year.

Remember kids are back on the roads walking and driving after school. Keep your eyes and minds on the road and buckle up. The kids around us are the athletes and leaders of the future.


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