What A Day For Kyle McClellan and Cardinals


If waiting wasn’t enough for us, we had to wait a day longer as the Cards opening day was cut short after only three innings and the Cardinals were ahead by four runs—it doesn’t seem fair..

At least everyone who was at the game got a chance to see all of the opening day
festivities that make the day such a great one for the fans.

On Tuesday night it was all baseball, no frills, just ball. It was really cool to see Kyle McClellan, a North County resident , make the team. Kyle went to Hazelwood West and was a standout in the area. I saw some footage from his dad and saw tears in his eyes—what a story. I could just feel how proud he was.

I think that it’s every dad’s dream to see their child make it to the professional level of any sport. Hopefully, we will be an asset to this team and stay around for awhile. I heard an interesting stat today, that only 5% of all baseball players that play in the minors ever step foot in a big league batters box and more or less play for at least a year in the big leagues. What an accomplishment.

Who Would Have Predicted All No. 1 Seeds

How many of you picked all four number one teams in to be in the Final Four. I certainly didn’t and I don’t know many people who did just because you always pick at least one upset, maybe two.

My teams went out really early, In almost embarrassed to tell you who I picked but you know that I am an underdog taker. That is why I was really glad to see Davidson put up a good fight almost making it to the Final Four. I will go out on a wing and say that Memphis will take it all. All four teams are really good, so nothing will be a big surprise either way.

It has been exciting college hoops season this year though and I think the ratings will show it. It is amazing how everyone from avid sports fans to just your average office worker gets involved in picking brackets. I think it is really an office puller together rather than an office distraction.

Are You World Combat League Fan?

I don’t know how many of you are boxing and mixed martial arts fans but this past week I had a chance to sit down with four members of the National World Combat League headed by Chuck Norris, and man do they have a following. It is a very brutal sport but they are marketing to the average family and fan.

I interviewed 2 men and 2 women; all four who could kill me before I could even get out of my chair. The St. Louis team ending up losing but they battled all the way to the end. It is a team sport where each member fights just one 3- minute round and they total at the end. If you get a chance give it at least a try, its pretty cool as long as you are not the one in the ring.

One of the guys I interviewed was missing part of his ear and he caught me glancing at it, his response” cage fighting accident”. That’s quit a brutal accident I said. Things happen in this sport.

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