Emilie Bay Receives Award for Helping to Save a 2-Year-old

Hazelwood girl honored pg8

(Shown left to right) Police Chief Carl Wolf; Mark Bay; Lonnie Bay; Emilie Bay; Mayor Matthew Robinson; and Fire Chief Jim Matthies.

Eight-year-old Emilie Bay was presented with a Chiefs’ Special Recognition Award from Mayor Matthew Robinson of Hazelwood at a recent City Council meeting.  She was honored for taking action in saving the life of a 2-year-old girl by notifying a responsible adult.

The award plaque was signed by Hazelwood Police Chief Carl Wolf and Hazelwood Fire Chief Jim Matthies.

Emilie Bay is the daughter of Mark and Lonnie Bay of Florissant.  She attended a pool party with her grandmother at the Hazelwood Forest Apartments.  She found a little girl, 2, floating face down in the swimming pool and immediately ran to tell a responsible adult.  The little girl was lifted out of the pool and resuscitated within 30 to 45 seconds.

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