Hazelwood Council Holds First Meeting Using New Laptop Commuters at Each Seat


The Hazelwood City Council has found a new way to communicate. At the council’s April 18 meeting they launched a unique way to conduct city business and which they claim will help them by providing information electronically.

Basically entering the “electronic age” they say. Some other cities using this system at present are Florissant, Normandy, Clayton, O’Fallon and Wentzville.

As the crowd of attendees at the meeting watched, council members sat, each facing an opened laptop computer , and their eyes glued to the screen as items on the agenda were dealt with.

After the meeting City Clerk Colleen Klos explained to inquiring visitors , details about the program this way, ” As items for the next meeting’s agenda come into City Hall, I forward them immediately to the city council, this way the items (or business) to be on the next agenda (and all supporting information) can be viewed right away by the council member instead of them having to wait until their weekly mail delivery.

” During the meeting each council member views the agenda and can see the document (or information) being discussed or acted upon. We have notified petitioners wishing to be on the agenda to submit their information electronically,” she said.

After the meeting City Clerk Colleen Klos explained to inquiring visitors , details about the program this way, ”

” As items for the next meeting’s agenda come into City Hall, I forward them immediately to the city council, this way the items (or business) to be on the next agenda (and all supporting information) can be viewed right away by the council member instead of them having to wait until their weekly mail delivery.”

“During the meeting each council member views the agenda and can see the document (or information) being discussed or acted upon. We have notified petitioners wishing to be on the agenda to submit their information electronically,” she said.

She added that this saves the council from plowing through “piles of paper to be organized for the meetings. It also saves city staff from making copy after copy to send out information to the nine council members.”

Mayor T. R. Carr added: “The use of computers now allows council members to better track issues that are being brought before the council. We can provide better service to citizens and more effectively follow up on issues that have been presented to the council.”

Councilwoman Peg Lampert told the visitors, “I am very excited about having the ability to use the wireless at our meetings, as well as preview the items and information on the agenda at home. Eliminating much of the paperwork will allow me to access files with a touch of the fingers and will save time locating files.”

Council Members Sworn-In———-
After announcing results of the April 3 election, Klos swore into office re-elected council members Matt Robinson, Ward 1; Terry Salfen, Ward 3; Peg Lampert, Ward 5; and newly elected Rosalie Hendon, Ward 7. Hendon replaces 10-year veteran Pat Jackson who chose not to run for office again. Hendon is married to Ed Hendon, and has three daughters and one grandchild. The family has lived in Hazelwood 34 years.

The council chose Ward 1 Councilman Bob Aubuchon to serve during the coming year as mayor pro tempore. This is the second year Aubuchon was chosen for that position.

After the swearing in ceremonies, Mayor Carr said: “Councilwoman Jackson has served on the City Council for 10 years. She has been an effective representative for Ward 7 and has been an excellent colleague to work with on the City Council. ”

At the meeting second reading was given to a bill authorizing a contract with EDM, Inc. for engineering and design services and construction inspection for the Teson Road bridge.

After the meeting Jackson said, “I am pleased by this action. It is the first step in expanding and improving the bridge,. It is dangerous to navigate.” It’s a one lane bridge, and the road has a “twisty” blind curve, she added.

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