Girl Scouts Awards Highest Honor Goes To Recent Hazelwood West High Grads

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Kelsay Puckett, Courtney Russell and Abigail Feldmann, Class of 2010 graduates of Hazelwood West High School, earned the Girl Scout Gold Award, the highest award for a Girl Scout age 14-18. Seen here are Puckett and Russell.

Three graduates of the Class of 2010 from Hazelwood West High School will be honored on June 6 for earning the Girl Scout Gold Award – Kelsay Puckett, Courtney Russell and Abigail Feldmann.

According to the Girl Scout website, the award is the highest that a Girl Scout age 14 to 18 can earn. It is described as “what you really want to be remembered for” in Girl Scouting. To earn the Girl Scout Gold Award, a girl must complete a project that she “can be passionate about – in thought, deed and action.” The project should fulfill a need within the community (locally or globally), create change and hopefully become something that is ongoing.

Puckett held a trivia night for the Youth in Need Center in St. Charles, an agency that supports youth and teens in crisis. She collected more than 350 items for the center as the entrance fee to the event.

Russell’s project involved teaching three classes to children and adults about “going green and its importance.”

Feldmann made music shelves for the marching band at Hazelwood West.

Motivation for earning the Girl Scout Gold Award came from past experiences with the organization.

“We’ve done everything else, so we might as well try,” said Puckett. “It is also something I felt was part of being a Girl Scout.”

“We’ve come this far, so why not?” said Russell.

“The Gold Award is the highest award in Girl Scouts and I always strive to do the best in everything that I do. It is not just about the award, it is about giving back. I know that hundreds of people in the Hazelwood West Marching Band will use the music shelves that I made for many years,” said Feldmann.

The girls are members of Troop 3111. Puckett and Feldmann have been Girl Scouts for 13 years. Russell has been a Girl Scout since first grade, explaining that she missed a year because she chose to play soccer over Girl Scouts.

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