Hazelwood Teachers Receive Emerson Teaching Awards

Hazelwood School District educators Michelle Chitwood and Kara Wilkenson are recipients of the 2008 Emerson Excellence in Teaching Awards.

Chitwood teaches first grade at Armstrong Elementary School and Wilkenson teaches seventh grade social studies at Hazelwood Central Middle School. The award program recognizes educators from the St. Louis metropolitan area for the essential role they play in shaping the lives of students.

Both teachers knew they’d been nominated by their colleagues, but neither thought much of it afterward.

“I completely forgot about it,” said Chitwood. Her students were preparing to work in writing groups when Principal Amy Dittmar, Superintendent Dr. Chris Wright and Paula Brown, professional development coordinator, came into her classroom to present her with flowers and tell her that she’d been chosen for an award.

“I was completely shocked when they walked in,” she said. “I was shaking, I was speechless and I teared up. I thought they were doing a walk-through, but when I saw the flowers, it hit me. I thought, ‘No way.’”

Wilkenson had a similar reaction to her surprise visitors. She was in her classroom talking to a colleague during planning time when someone walked in with a camera, followed by Dr. Wright, Brown, Principal Robert Lawrence and Wade Steinhoff, assistant principal.

“I thought, ‘Oh, my gosh,’ and then I put it together,” she said. “I was surprised.”
“I’m ecstatic about it. It’s a great honor, not only to be nominated, but to know that my colleagues think so much of me. I feel appreciated,” said Wilkenson.

Chitwood has been a teacher in the District for nine years and is a graduate of Hazelwood West High School. Wilkenson has been a teacher in the District for four years; prior to coming to Hazelwood, she worked for St. Louis Public Schools for four years.

Michelle Chitwood is a master teacher. She is an excellent role model for both students and staff,” said Dittmar. “She is clearly deserving of this award. She works hard and puts in a lot of extra hours to do what is best for her students. We are lucky to have her expertise, knowledge and skills.”

“It’s wonderful to be recognized,” said Chitwood. “It makes me think that maybe I am helping to make a difference in a child’s life.”

We are very proud of Mrs. Wilkenson,” said Lawrence. “The award exemplifies the level of teaching we have at our school and the amount of effort our teachers and staff put in to making our students successful.”

“I’m at a loss for words. It’s so nice to be thought of so highly,” said Wilkenson. “I do owe a lot to the mentors I’ve had in my career, both in Hazelwood and St. Louis.”
“All I could ever ask for is for students to show progress,” said Chitwood. “I started out as a teacher not knowing very much. Now, I’ve learned so much and so I can look at this award and say, ‘Here’s my progress’ because teachers are life-long learners, too.”

This is the 20th year of the Emerson Excellence in Teaching Award program. Chitwood and Wilkenson, along with other area winners, will be formally honored at a banquet at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Clayton in November.

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