Jobs, Term Limits, Health Care Top Concerns of Area Legislators North County Inc. , Area Chambers Host Reception

Heath care, term limits and “jobs, jobs, jobs” were the key topics of interest when  more than 225 community, civic, and business leaders attended the Legislative Reception for North County Feb. 18 at SSM DePaul Health Center.

Most of the state elected officials listed jobs as the top priority in the area, but some voiced concerns about the need to overturn the term limits state law. Many felt the law makes the legislators ineffective because just as they are making strides in committees their two-term limits are up.

This collaborative event was  hosted by the Greater North County Chamber of Commerce, the Maryland Heights Chamber of Commerce, North County Incorporated, Regional Development Association, the Northwest Chamber of Commerce, and the North County Chamber of Commerce. Program moderator, Ann Brand, director of Community and Government Relations from St. Louis Community College at Florissant Valley, presented the 2010 North County legislative priorities on economic development, education, healthcare, transportation, and general issues.

State legislators in attendance were: Sena. Jane Cunningham, Sen. Rita Heard Days, Representatives  Bert Atkins, Michael Corcoran, Ted Hoskins,  Albert Liese, Margo McNeil, Michael Spreng,  Gina Walsh, Rochelle Walton Gray,  Steve Webb and Jake Zimmerman.

The North County Legislative agenda was developed by North County Inc. and the four area chambers. To view the entire agenda visit North County Inc. web sitelocation:

-Bob Lindsey

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