A BOOMER’S JOURNAL: When Will This Crazy Killing End?

Tom Anselm
Tom Anselm

by Tom Anselm

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

That’s it. In its entirety. The Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. Written in 1789 by a group of men who had just finished a war against mostly economic bullying by the largest world power of the time. And they were afraid– afraid that these bullies would take a short break, build up public sentiment and political power once again and launch an attempt to retake their newly-formed nation.

So we can see how this second part of The Bill of Rights came to be.

But now? This short 27-word statement has been used to foster a massive multi-billion dollar weapon sales industry that keeps growing.

Why all this talk about the Second Amendment? Clearly, Americans are killing other Americans at an alarming rate in today’s society. We have the obvious example in the City of St. Louis of high murder rates year after year. There are suicides, murder-suicides, all in the news, almost every week.

Those who favor free holding of guns say– with some truth– guns don’t kill people, people kill people. Sure, I get that. But without an easy access to guns, those people don’t kill people. Problems and disagreements are solved with a shot to the head these days. Nobody fights, they just pull the trigger.   A bullet is many times the permanent solution to a temporary problem.

Am I rambling? Maybe just a little. I am writing this sickened by yet another mass murder in a school. A school. A place of refuge, of learning. Nowadays, a place of fear.

As a retired teacher, I remember cringing at the pre-season training called “Intruder Drill” I hated it. It was scary. It was upsetting to think this could happen in my school. Now as a substitute, I occasionally am present when this drill is called. I hate it, still. I can see the kid’s faces, as they huddle inside their classroom, ostensibly playing it off as just another drill. But their faces tell another story. Hey, their eyes are saying, this could happen here. In my school. I could die. My best friend could die or my teacher.

I do not currently own a gun. It just doesn’t appeal to me, never been a hunter, once shot a .22 at my high school rifle range. Did nothing for me. But that’s just me. I don’t pass judgment on those to whom weapon ownership and hunting and shooting means a lot.

I understand those who enjoy hunting. I know in days gone by, if you didn’t hunt you didn’t eat. I get that. I respect those who defend us in the military, and thank them for their service. And, of course, those in law enforcement. But here’s what I don’t get.

I don’t get why anyone not in a defensive occupation needs an AR-15? Why does anyone need an automatic or semi-automatic sidearm? Why do gun sales, gun shows, gun permits continue to grow.

Sure, I get that when there is a bad guy with one of these weapons, I am glad that there is a police officer with at least the same weapon. It’s a reality that sadly exists.

But why is it so easy to buy a pistol one day? Why is it so easy for just about anyone to get a powerful hand-held machine gun? And will these weapons of mass destruction ever be outlawed, therefore not sellable, therefore not manufactured?

I don’t say “Confiscate All the Guns.” That’s impossible, and scary, really. There is that Second Amendment, after all. But can’t there be a beginning somewhere, where the supply of military-style weapons is shut off to all but those who really need them?

This is just the tip of the problem. People, with guns, do kill people. School shootings, mall shootings, mass murders, suicides, hundreds of lives lost. Multiply that by all those who survived whose lives are changed forever… all reality.

Just some sad thoughts on what has been one more chapter of people killing people in our gun-obsessed nation.

This is just the tip of the problem. People, with guns, do kill people. School shootings, mall shootings, mass murders, suicides, hundreds of lives lost. Multiply that by all those who survived whose lives are changed forever… all reality.

Just some sad thoughts on what has been one more chapter of people killing people in our gun-obsessed nation.

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