2016 World Series Full of Nostalgia

Lots of Mind Games in a Great World Series

By Randy Gardner

Randy GardnerBy the time most of you read this, the World Series will be over. I waited until Tuesday this week to write the column as wanted to see what was happening with the World Series, basically any new information on injuries or changes in lineups. The DH rule should have made it intriguing

Not that that makes much of a bearing on my column but the mind games that managers play on each other is very interesting to me. Sometimes it is a manager that can influence a game more than the players, especially in baseball. No matter what has happened and who has won the Series, it has been a great series. I almost feel like the world became in tune to the baseball again and all its pageantry because of the situation with the world championship drought of both teams.

Over the past few years, I felt the game has almost disappointed us a bit. This year though there are deep story lines behind each franchise and behind each game itself.

The small things are the things that stick out in my mind, like the older woman who sits behind the dugout at the Cubs games. She has become an icon for the team and the broadcast. It’s fun to watch what she does and how she reacts throughout the game. You know that she has waited a lifetime for this moment.

The way it stood before game 6 Tuesday night, the Cubs were down 3-2 coming back from 3-1 with a story book ending in the making. This series makes me want to watch baseball more next year, but with the Cardinals in the picture. I just am happy that we don’t have 50-year gaps between Series appearances.

As far as Blues hockey, all I hear from Blues fans right now is that this is our year. Honestly, it takes me awhile to fall into hockey mode but I feel good about what I am seeing also. This town needs a team that they can stand behind for the winter. The Blues franchise has a chance to spark an interest with all new fans right now with football being gone. Unfortunately, it is a long season and it doesn’t get real exciting till the end of the season which is a long way away. Hang in there and cheer the Blues on.

 Refs Need to Move Around More

On to what I like to crab about most in life: referees. I have a lot of respect for them because I was one for many years, but if you are going to take money as a job to referee a game, get off  your butt and move and get into position to make a call.

You can not stand and move five feet of the half line and make calls. This is absolute laziness. Parents pay a lot of money for their kids to play a sport and you get paid very well to referee. Don’t be the cause of someone getting hurt or missing a game winning or losing call.

I know this all to well, as I consistently see it week after week. I take extra steps to congratulate a referee who makes an effort. I really appreciate it, everyone does.

There are some great district finals in football this weekend for our area high schools. Go out and see a game!

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