I’m Wearing My Blues Jersey for Home Games

**Randy Gardner photo**By Randy Gardner

I am one of those people that never wear a replica team jersey, especially on the day that they play a game but today is different. The Blues are playing tonight (which is Tuesday) and I am pumped up. I am a big Blues fan, a big sports fan in general, but I am really digging this Blues team this year. They never give up and that’s what I love about sports in general.

It creates the desire inside to never quit. What a lesson that can be taught to the kids of today.

Later on in the first series against the BlackHawks I thought the team was going to let down and fall victim to the same old Blues syndrome. Look good but fall apart at the end. Heading into the series against Dallas, there just seems to be a bit more optimism. Everyone expects to win this series. It has been really cool so far today as people are saying, “Let’s go Blues” everywhere I go because I am wearing the jersey. I might start wearing a team jersey every time the home team plays. Maybe I have been missing out on something big my entire life.

Too Early to Tell About Cardinals

As far as the Cardinals, it is still too early to tell. The team looks good but will struggle in certain situations. This is the kind of stuff that will drive St. Louis baseball fans crazy. I think we are a town that expects to win all the time. I think the alternative is to just lose all the time like the Rams–there is no in between.

The concern for the Birds is that they have beat up on poor teams, but are only 1-8 against Cubs, Pirates and Nationals. Don’t forget we have 16 more against the Cubs who have to cool off at some point, plus 15 with Pittsburgh with three games here this weekend against the Bucs.

The up and down of a long baseball season takes its toll not only on the players but also on the fans. It can be an emotional roller coaster. Again, though, that’s what makes sports fun and exciting. It is so cool to see how sports bring families together—just look in the stands at a home baseball game and see how many families are there together. It’s an awesome relationship builder.

It’s a connector for fathers and sons. I absolutely see it in my family with my three sons. Almost every man has a story about going to his first sporting event with his father. My boys tell me all the time how much they enjoyed the Rams game and the Sporting KC soccer game. These are moments that make me proud to be a father.

Speaking of family, don’t forget your Mom on Mother’s Day. It’s not about the big things; it’s about the small things, like a handwritten note or a phone call. Remember she is the one that drove you to all of those ball games and helped you with your homework. Those are things that mothers do.

Looking at my sons’ teams that I coach, there are several moms who are also the ones kicking a ball around or showing their son how to hit. How cool is that. Make sure to stop and show some appreciation to your mother on this day.

As I say that, Happy Mother’s Day to my mom. You are the greatest.

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