Fans With Enjoy The High Tech Upgrades at Edward Jones Dome


It’s hard to believe but the night finally came when the Rams opened their home preseason at the Dome last Friday night. I had heard alot about all of the fan friendly changes that the Rams and the Dome had made but when I saw them in person I was really impressed.

The neatest item probably is the huge HD replay board in the North endzone— it stretches from corner to corner as is magnificently clear. The other big changes are the runner screens that go around two levels of the dome. These display different logos and ads in a sliding manner around the dome. T

There are several upgrades to the fan experience including special comfort seating areas at the 50- yard line and one of the biggest sports bar areas in St. Louis in the end zone.

These are just a few of the changes you will see this year at a home game and I didn’t even touch on the upgraded entertainment throughout the experience and oh yeah, there was a game that night too.

The game started with about one-third of the stands full and that’s the way they stayed almost the entire game. I personally thought it was a horrible way to start the season off for the fans. I know that there isn’t much to see in the preseason but come on, if you have tickets use them or give them to someone who would love going to the game.

The Rams coming off a big win the first week looked halfway decent on the evening but just couldn’t get it done. I am not going to go to in depth because it is only preseason. We have a few weeks to get things straightened out. I am confident that the sour taste of losing doesn’t sit well with the players.

Rage Had A Great Season

As you know, we have followed the River City Rage for several years now and this year was no exception as the team struggled a bit during the year but after a major house cleaning including the front office, the team did well this year.

The Rage made it all the way to finals and lost 71-62 to Billings. The team fell behind early and just couldnt catch up. I would like to personally thanks Jeff Sprowls and the organization for giving the fans of St. Louis an exciting year. We look forward to having a team here next year.

High School football is here too and with this weather we have been having in August, high school football nights will be beautiful. I say this every year but you have to get out and see a game, even if you don’t know the players at all. Go to just take in the experience of the joy of high schoolers playing the game with no other pursuits except the passion of the game. Games are every weekend throughout November. Check your local high school team’ s schedules.

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