Boomer’s Journal: The Vernal Equinox

Random Thoughts on the First Day of Spring

Tom Anselm
Tom Anselm

by Tom Anselm

Good old Julius Caesar was warned back in 44 BC to “Beware the Ides of March.” At least that’s what Billy Shakespeare told us. He got a knife in the ribs, and we had just ‘enjoyed a little wind storm’. March this year is living up to its reputation of coming in like a lion. And not a cowardly one, to be sure.

We may have seen the last of snow, which is fine with me. This past winter sure did bode well for the snow-pushing contractors and auto body repair shops. I used to be a fan of the white and fluffy as a kid, of course But the threat of a broken bone makes me happy to see warmer temps on the horizon. Some say this weather mess has been a result of climate change. Well… duh! Do the proponents of this theory ever visit St. Louis? We can have climate change in one day!

How about that race for the White House in 2020? And where is Barbara Walters these days, with her trademark pronunciation of that year? At last count, the Democratic Party has 14 contenders, and it looks like more to come. Known as a liberal-leaning entity, it seems that the Dems in the running are trying to see who can be the most outrageous as they sprint to the left side of the political stage. Heck, going centrist didn’t work so well for them last time, so I guess you can’t blame them. Still, it should be interesting if nothing else to see what becomes of this trend. Most likely, the Republicans will go with “the horse that brung ‘em” to the finish line in 2016. That is, if he can stay in the office, which is fairly likely, since this party still runs the Senate, no matter what the House of Representatives may do. But the guy’s a bit unpredictable, so you never know. Again, the next year and a half should be one for the books. I just would like to live long enough to be able to read the retrospectives of the beginnings of this 21st century with respect to world events and the sometimes-head-scratching leadership decisions by not only our country’s guys but those of the rest of the world. The truth is out there, somewhere, and we seldom get it until decades later. So I suppose my chances are slim.

Now, on a more important and serious note, how ‘bout them Cardinals? I know, I know, the Blues are still playing, and may even get into the playoffs. But does anyone really think Lord Stanley’s Cup will end up in The Gateway City? Although it would be cool, especially for all the long-suffering fans of The Note.

So about those Cardinals. They have this proven slugger at first base, some very promising young guys with a season under their red leather belts, and a completely different guy in the manager’s office to start his first full season.

Prediction time: Blues lose in 7 in the second round, Birds make it to the National Championship League Series, but bow out in 6 to the Dodgers.

All in all, a good year for both. Oh, and another prediction, politically speaking?

No way, friends.

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