Randy on Rams

**Randy Gardner photo**

This will be one of the easiest columns I’ve ever written. Every week I talk about the St. Louis Rams and either how good they are or how bad they played. I was fortunate enough to get some free tickets to Sunday’s game against the San Francisco 49ers.

I‘m really glad they were free because I would have had to take out a second mortgage to take my three kids. With only four tickets it was a boys day out with myself and my three kids.

We were all very excited to go, especially me, what a dream for a father to be able to be able to take your kids to a professional football game.

So we all put on our jerseys—all of them outdated with players that have been traded—and head to the stadium. First off to afford to park, we had to walk about 3 miles to the stadium or should I say two kids walking and one kid being carried.

Then as soon as we get into the game all the kids want food and drink. After glancing at the concession stand prices, the decision was made to drink out of the restroom faucet. OK maybe that’s a stretch but it crossed my mind. $6.50 for a hotdog, $8.75 for popcorn and about the same for soda. It’s absolutely ridiculous.

I know the team and owners and everybody else needs to make money but the average person like me can’t afford to take my kids to a game, especially if I had to pay for the tickets. The other thing that totally amazed me is that the team was 3-3 and there were about 30,000 people at the game. The Rams ended up playing really well, especially defensively and ended up winning the game easily which put them over the .500 mark for the first time in a long time.

Unfortunately, with this kind of fan support when the team is doing pretty decent, they Rams seem destined to leave the city. The crowd was actually pretty loud to be so small and another thing that amazed me was that 15 minutes before kickoff there were about 4000 people in The stands. Go to another football city 15 minutes before game and they’ll be almost to capacity.

I really hope the Rams do well this year and put the bandwagon fans and the people who are saying that they would like them to stay but not supporting them in a bind. If you really want the Rams to stay go to a game, but just remember you’re going to pay the price.

I am almost afraid to see what prices will be if we get a new billion-dollar stadium. I guess the prices are where they are because people continue to pay them. If you’re interested in saving money and seeing some great football, come out to a high school football game on a Friday night. Four bucks will get you in and a couple bucks for a hotdog, and you’ll have a great time.

Will Probably Play Socccer Games

Over the past week a lot of you have been asking me about what happened with the soccer debacle, I am still working it out but if the decision comes to play the team for the championship game, I think we are not going to play that team that has continually manipulated the system.

I want to teach my kids on my team that honesty and integrity is more important than winning first place and winning a trophy. These are life lessons that I hope they look back on and 10 or 20 years and teach their kids. For me, now being a teacher and a coach, I want the kids to look back and see that I truly made a difference in their lives.


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