Maybe the Rams Could Learn From the Cardinals

**Randy Gardner photo**By Randy Gardner

I was so excited to sit and watch the Rams on the national stage on Monday night. I gave the kids a bath, did the dishes, and sat with a bowl of ice cream. I was in heaven.

Everyone didn’t give the Rams a chance including all of the national talk show hosts. The game started off beautifully as the Rams looked like the Rams of old. They wore their old school 1999 uniforms and came out of the blocks running looking like Kurt Warner to Issac Bruce on a couple of the first plays of the game.

It only took about a quarter and a half for the Rams to fall back into their usual ways, that is just totally falling apart.

Looking at the first couple of plays they ran a slant up the middle for about 30 yards and then never tried it again the rest of the game. I just don’t get it. The effort out of the Rams wide receivers when they showed the overhead shot was pitiful. They were walking and giving up on the plays. That is unacceptable.

It is really scary if you are a football fan that their was some serious talk before the game on the team moving out of St. Louis and the talk was pretty serious on the national broadcast. That just doesn’t happen if there isn’t a buzz about it. Tie that together with a bad team on the field and poor fan attendance. Hope the guys like the sun in L.A. and we can say bye bye to football maybe forever.

When they panned the crowd during the game the stands were empty up high and what was even worse was at the end of the game when the Rams still had a chance to win the stands were almost empty. What a sad statement. What other teams fans do that. Would you see that in Kansas City or Denver, then why here. Obviously it has a lot to do with the future of the team here.

There was little bit of better news on the team’s future in St. Louis with new talk of building an outdoor stadium near the Edward Jones done.

Who will be the Next Cardinal Hero?

Again it is hard to write about the Cards when their will be two games before this column hits the streets but the National League championship series won’t be over because it is tied 1-1 right now as of Tuesday. What I can tell you is that Trever Rosenthal had better pick things up or the fans of St. Louis are going to boo him out of town. He almost cost us another game that would have maybe cemented the deal by going back to San Francisco down by 2-0.

It’s so much fun to watch this team as you can just feel that they are going to do something great and you never know who be the latest game hero. Will it be a veteran or a rookie? Maybe the Rams would have a better chance of winning and getting fan support if they changed their uniforms to look like the Cardinals uniforms. Maybe some birds on a bat right on the helmet logo. But then it would be to much like the old Football Cardinals Think about it. It might work. I’ll still say the Cards in 6.

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