North County Inc. Salutes 30 Leaders In Their 30s Sept. 26

North County Incorporated, Regional Development Association (NCI) has named this year’s NCI Salutes 30 Leaders in their Thirties Leadership Award recipients. This remarkable group of up-and-coming professionals and volunteers will be recognized at the NCI Salutes 30 Leaders in their Thirties reception on Friday, Sept. 26, at 11:30 a.m. at Norwood Hills Country Club.

The 2014 NCI Salutes 30 Leaders in Their Thirties Leadership Award honorees, which will be recognized for their remarkable contributions to their profession and community, are:

Alicia Acklin                 North County Resident

Tim Barrett, P.E.          City of Florissant

Jessica Bitting              Ferguson-Florissant School District

Kelly Bracht, Ed.D.       Ferguson-Florissant School District

Anise Braggs                   North County Resident

Doug Bray                       Ritenour School District

Susan Bushnell             March of Dimes

Charles Callison, M.D.  SSM DePaul Health Center

Kiyoko Clark                  SSM DePaul Health Center

Derek Craig                   Regions Bank

Annamarie Davis         St. Ferdinand School

Rachel Giffhorn             The Bridge at Florissant

Addie Govero                Blessed Teresa of Calcutta School

Chauncey Granger         Hazelwood School District

Michele Hoeft                Christian Hospital Foundation

Darius Kirk                    Riverview Gardens School District

Scott Kratzer                 Hazelwood School District

Carla Leggett                 Riverview Gardens School District

Kori Logan                     Hazelwood School District

Michael Lorenz              Lutheran High School North

DeAndria Player            Special School District

Andrea Purnell            Missouri Institute of Mental Health-University of Missouri-St. Louis

Melissa Rakers            Neighbors Credit Union

William Ray, Jr.           St. Louis County

Miriam Roccia              University of Missouri-St. Louis

Nathan Sykes              US Bank

Stephanie Szoko          Hidden Lake

KeetraThompson          Life is a Party

Terry Wilson                Jennings School District

Jessica Young              Northwest Chamber of Commerce

“This community’s up and coming in business, civic and community leaders are truly making a difference in our community through both their jobs and volunteerism. We are excited to celebrate their contributions to North County,” said Rebecca Zoll, President/CEO of NCI.

The public is invited to attend the NCI Salutes 30 Leaders in Their Thirties reception and luncheon on Sept. 26. Reservations are required; the cost is $45 per person. Sponsorship packages are available and there is still room in the event program book for an individual or company to place an advertisement. More than 300 business, civic and community leaders attend this event each year.

To make reservations, sponsor this event and/or purchase ad space in the event program book, contact the NCI office at (314) 895-6231 or visit for more information.


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