Keith English Resolution Supporting Keystone XL Pipeline Passes House

The Missouri House has voted 134-12 to adopt a resolution sponsored by state Rep. Keith English, D-Florissant, urging the Obama Administration to approve the TransCanada Keystone XL Pipeline.

Part of the existing Keystone Pipeline already runs through part of Missouri. House Concurrent Resolution 4 states that the approval of Keystone XL will help establish North American energy independence, create jobs for American workers and improve the state and national economies.

“Keystone is not just a pipeline; it is a lifeline for working men and women and our nation’s energy security,” English said.

The House’s approval of HCR 4 comes one day after Gov. Jay Nixon wrote a letter to U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry expressing his administration’s support for the Keystone XL project. HCR 4 now advances to the Senate for its vote.

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