Rain Stayed Away For Vet’s Day Parade Until End

An impressive Veterans’ Parade traveled through Florissant last Sunday from St. Ferdinand Shrine to the James J. Eagan Center. Last year’s Veteran of the Year John Cahalin led the way as this year’s parade marshal with Honorary Parade Marshal Officer Michael Vernon close behind in his red Camaro.

Over 70 units participated before an appreciative crowd filled with patriots. The weather held out just long enough for most of the units to arrive dry for the presentations which were moved indoors.

Retired Army Sergeant Major Carl Hargus presided over the post parade ceremony and introduced Mayor Thomas Schneider and Guest speaker Pat McGonigle of KSDK Channel 5. Kenneth Hoffman, who served in the Air Force in Korea, was named 2012 Veteran of the Year for his continuing community service and retiring Chief of Police Bill Karabas was given a special recognition for his full support of all Veterans events.

Police Department Chaplain Father Bill Baier from St. Ferdinand Parish opened and closed the ceremony with a prayer and the gathering recited the pledge of allegiance and sang the National Anthem. Afterwards a box lunch was provided to everyone present by 54th Street Bar and Grill and retiring Florissant Parks and Recreation Director Ron Veach arranged for the water and Pepsi product beverages.

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