Rams Have To Get Back On The Horse, Even If It’s a Rough Ride in S.F.

By Randy Gardner

There are several good reasons to feel good on a weekend when the Rams don’t play, first and foremost is that they can’t lose. I don’t know if it was a good thing for the Rams to have a bye week after a butt kicking from New England in London. Is like the old riding the bike story. If you fall off, get right back up and ride again.

I think the Rams needed to get back to action to forget that terrible taste of butt kicking out of their mouths. The team sits at the season half-way point at 3-5 and I think most of us fans would say that this record is acceptable after the past 5 or 6 seasons. I still love the passion of Jeff Fisher and I think he will do great things for this franchise over the next few years.

That decision will be talked about in just a few months as arbitration for all of the improvements to the Dome will be discussed.

This in itself is more of a decision than any on the field decision. It is sad that all of these miscellaneous factors will influence the future of this franchise for all of us the fans.

Hockey Fans Have Had Enough

Do you miss hockey. I am really on the fence about it. I watch regular season hockey but don’t get fired up until the playoffs. I know that there is a lot of revenue being lost by everybody right now including individuals and businesses that  work in the service industry. Why can’t all of these leagues when they are facing strikes and labor lockouts think about the impact on everybody. I think that this will set the game of hockey back again like it did several years ago.

The fans are tired of all of this. All of us are struggling to pay bills and everyday expenses and these guys are arguing over millions and billions. We are the ones that make the sacrifices on where we are going to spend those extra few dollars we may have for entertainment.  When this kind of nonsense goes on, it is hard to consider spending it there, besides the fact that it is outrageously expensive in the first place. In this day and age, a sporting event, whether the Rams, Blues, or Cards is a major investment that has to be saved for. No more do we just get in the car and say let’s go to the game.



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