Randy Gardner on Sports: Cards and Indy Cars

0-3 September Start For Cardinals

Could be Expected After August

By Randy Gardner

Randy Gardner
Randy Gardner

Isn’t this the way life works, everything is going good and then it suddenly turns bad. I make this in reference to the St. Louis Cardinals and the hiring of their new manager. Before he signed his deal to be “the manager”, things were going great and the Cardinals were on a roll but as soon as he signed his deal the Cardinals have had a sour stretch, losing three in a row.

I talked about it last week, Mike Schild comes in and if he saves the day and gets the team to the playoffs everyone will think that he is fantastic but if he does not make The playoffs everyone will second-guess his hiring status. I am a firm believer in any position, whether it is in the sports world or real life world that everyone has a transition period to learn their new position and improve themselves.

Depending on what kind of job it is sometimes it takes longer than others and sometimes it takes a few falls to get things right. Either way, I think it was a good hire. I’ve talked to some people who have an inside scoop and they say that this guy is a life long learner of the game of baseball and that is exactly what the fans up at St. Louis expect.

I mentioned last week to get out and check out high school football and enjoy the action in your local community. It has been a great couple of weeks so far with some huge upsets all over the St. Louis area. As you know, the St. Louis high school football season has been one of the strongest in the country. In that grouping I would put all of the teams from the Kansas City and Springfield area in also as they are very strong. It always comes down to a few teams at the end and year after year they seem to be the strongest.


                   Indy Cars Back at Gateway

Everyone knows that I am a huge car racing fan and a few weeks ago, the Indy cars came to Gateway. I did not have a chance to go this year but to see those cars on the track at those speeds is the most incredible thing to the human eye and ear. Those cars Going 200 miles an hour and squealing at those tones make you feel like you’re in a different world. Once again if you have never been to one of these events at Gateway, go next time they are there.

The drag cars will be out there in a few weeks and they are even more incredible. You can honestly feel the ground shake beneath you when those take cars take off. They go from 0 to 300 miles per hour in about six seconds. That would come in handy someday in getting to the grocery store.

Finally today, as we start to head into the cooler weather (eventally) make sure and keep your exercise routines up. It’s very easy to get lazy during the winter. This is when you take your exercise routine from outside to inside and run on the treadmill. Remember eating healthy and keeping that exercise routine can add several years to your life and those are quality years. Have a great week!

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