Cards Meltdown Leaves Sinking Feeling, Even Though They Spoil Us

By Randy Gardner

What a terrible turn of events over the past four days. The fans of St. Louis go from the extreme jubilation of being up 3 games to 1 and feeling great about another World Series trip to feeling like the fans of Washington as we came back and handed it to them.

It’s almost hard to believe that we as fans sat and watched our Cardinals slowly sink deeper and deeper every pitch, every inning, every game. I honestly felt sad for the players, you could see it in their actions that they knew they were going down too.

It was like watching a sinking ship with no passengers on it. You know it is going to sink but you just sit and watch and watch and watch, as it takes on water hoping that it will flip up and even itself out after enough water gets into the hull, but eventually it just goes down.

We can always say, we had a great ride, most teams would have loved to get this far.  Remember, we are spoiled in this town with Baseball as the Cards are always near the top. I always say that sports are a game of momentum and we saw it this week as the tide slowly started to shift. Plus, having the 6th and 7th game of a championship like this is always a home field advantage, even when your down.

It’s a mind game for the players, as soon as there is doubt, they lose the edge. I talk about this because I can relate to it. My Senior year of playing college soccer, our team was fortunate enough to make it to the National Championships in the Final 16. We had to fly to San Diego to play, it threw off our training schedule and disrupted sleep schedules,

I could feel it on the plane going there that something was different. It was like we were scared sheep. When we got there, we played like we were sheep and the sheep herder and the wolf were the other team. We got it handed to us, it was a long flight home. There’s nothing like flying across the country to get beaten badly.

It taught me though that success is a mindset, you can win or lose events in your life, even in your personal and business life before you even set foot to it. Be positive.

Rams in London will be Interesting

This leads me to the Rams, as they took a trip across the ocean to London this week to play the Patriots on Sunday. Are they feeling those same feelings, as they have had a lot of time to sit and think about the ups and downs of their season?.

The Rams training schedule has been completely flipped on its head as coaches have less time to prepare and players are away from their families. All of this will have a major toll on the game. Remember though, the Patriots are in the same boat also.

The Rams are a young team with only a few veterans though, so I am curious to see how they handle this situation. Even were they sit in the standings right now, I think they will be okay. They have been in almost every game, small mistakes here and there are causing long term effects in a game on this team. They will get it straightened out though. Be patient and support the team.

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