Dining Divas: Citygarden in Downtown St. Louis

By Lisa Kampeter

Yes, jokes are made about the non-existent Ballpark Village in downtown.  Or the once thriving but now empty St. Louis Centre.  And the nightlife that’s dead.  But one thing that’s not being joked about in downtown St. Louis is the Citygarden.   And the Dining Divas stepped out into it this month and loved it.

Citygarden is a unique combination of nature complementing art with the Arch and office buildings as the backdrop.  Located in the center of downtown between Eighth and Tenth Street and Market and Chestnut, approximately three acres of beautiful sculptures, lush greenery, brilliant flowers, and glorious water features make up the Citygarden.  Overlooking the Citygarden is the Terrace View Café, and what a view it has!

On this particular evening, the Dining Divas were able to enjoy dinner outside.  The Terrace View is a glass walled café, so all seats, inside or out, have great views of the garden.  If you plan to go some evening, you won’t want to be in a hurry.  It was a gorgeous night for us, and we lingered for about three hours!  Delivery of our food was somewhat slow, but it didn’t bother us as there was nonstop conversation.

We learned the Colorful Diva is going to become Grandma Diva.  Although she’s way too young to be a grandma (aren’t they all over 60 years old?), she’s thrilled, and we’re thrilled for her.

The Cultured Diva smiled widely as she spoke of her upcoming trip to Belize with a male friend of hers.  We smiled even wider as we all know he’s way more than a friend than she’ll ever admit to wanting him to be.  The Engaged Diva gave us all a fright as she showed up without her ring.  A specially-made wedding band is being created to accompany her engagement ring.  And the Spontaneous Diva bought a $200 souvenir at her first Kentucky Derby – a raincoat!

Guided tours through the Citygarden are available, but I would suggest just learning the landscape through the special drink menu created around the different sculptures in the garden.  What great, educational fun you can have from your seat.  But be prepared.  The drinks are pricey and with the portion sizes of the meals, so is the menu.

The Terrace View focuses on small plate options, and the menu changes daily.  You can choose a few small plates or take a larger portion of one.  Everything is made to order.  Delivered to our table was some of the moistest bread we’ve ever tasted.  Skip the butter.  This bread doesn’t need it.

Several Divas enjoyed salads with their meals.  The Chopped Salad was mixed up perfectly.  With the 50-Mile Salad, all ingredients come from local farmers within a 50 mile radius.  At first hesitant about trying the Flatbread appetizer with unique topping, we were thrilled we gave it a shot.  Many thought it was the best part of their meals.

Don’t be worried about ordering the small portion of the Tagliolini with shrimp and crabmeat.  The portion was perfect with three large-sized shrimp.  Supposedly this dish has a kick to it, but we didn’t notice it.  It was light and appetizing but slightly bland.  Meat lovers may want to try the Beef Wellington.  It was the favorite at the table.  And the small serving of the lamb cannelloni was just enough for the Italian Diva, although it lacked some of that Italian flair she’s accustomed to.

We all saved room for dessert but only enough room to share.  Try out the Monkey Bread.  It’s Mama’s recipe so it must be good.  I guess Mama is the chef’s mama, and the chef got it right.  It’s made of miniature donut holes with cinnamon and sugar and topped off with a praline sauce that made me want to slap my mama it was so good.

Stop by for a drink before a ball game.  Take a stroll through the garden.  Enjoy the flowers, just don’t pick any.  Oh, and beware of the “playful” fountain.  Visualize 102 drinking fountains, pulsating out of the ground.   If you don’t watch your step, you may get hosed!

The right table.  The right portions.  The right night.  The Terrace View is right on for downtown St. Louis.

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