Florissant Gets Grant to Buy Mobile Camera to Curb Vandalism Grant To Buy


Mayor Robert Lowery announced that the city has received a $57,000 grant from the U. S. Department of Justice for a mobile camera to be used for law enforcement. “We have the grant, but have not yet gotten the equipment,” Lowery said.

Lowery told the council about the grant during an executive session before the regular council meeting. The council was discussing ways to combat vandalism in the city. Council members expressed concern about graffiti, noting that there seem to be certain spots where it is prevalent.

Lowery said the camera could be used to monitor sites. It will send a video feed to police, who can then move in and catch the perpetrators.

Councilman Tom Schneider asked suggested that the mayor and council ask Municipal Judge Timothy Kelly to levy the largest fine possible for vandalism.

City Attorney John Hessel said that he had talked to Judge Kelly about the problem. Hessel suggested that the council pass legislation that would make the parents of minor children who are convicted of vandalism financially responsible for the vandalism. The council agreed to introduce the legislation at an upcoming meeting.

Moran Won’t Run in 2008—–
Councilman John Moran announced that he will not be running for re-election in 2008. “After three decades and parts of two centuries, I’ve decided not to move on,” he said. He said he wanted to give residents of Ward 2 that may be thinking of running time to prepare.

The filing period is Jan. 9 through Jan. 23.

In other matters, the council passed a bill authorizing the mayor to enter into an agreement with the Missouri Department of Transportation and the Great Rivers Greenway District for the second phase of the Sunset Park Trail project.

“This allows us to finish the trail to Sunset Park,” Lowery said. The trail will go under Lindbergh Boulevard near Ruiz and to St. Ferdinand Park. It will go south from Lindbergh to the Old Town Partners House at the corner of St. Charles and St. Francois streets.

Actual construction of the first phase of development for Sunset Park improvements is underway. Material for the lodge is going up with labor being provided by volunteer tradesman from local union apprentice programs.

Florissant hopes to raise $3 million mostly from private donations for Sunset Park. Plans would include a marina, scout camping area, footbridge, a river overlook, and picnic pavilions.

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