M.U. Was Big Letdown, But Still What A Year For Pinkel and Tigers


What a let down Saturday night was for the entire Mizzou contingent, from the players and coaches to the diehard fans to the new fans across the region who were now jumping on the black and gold bandwagon.

I sat in front of the TV with high hopes as the Tigers tied it up at halftime and thought this team had some momentum going into the second half, but it all fell apart. As they say, halftime is a time for adjustments and they were made but Oklahoma did a much better job as they came out and totally confused this Mizzou team led by Chase Daniels. They had no idea what was happening.

This once powerful offense couldn’t do anything and that’s a shame. I feel the worst for Gary Pinkel, he did such a good job and then to fall short. He lost several hundred thousands of dollars in incentives losing on that night.

However, I think he has solidified himself now as a top tier coach and Mizzou will be bucking up the big bucks to keep him or there will be some major colleges banging at the door for him. At least we will see the team play in the Cotton Bowl this year, but many feel that this just isn’t good enough.

I feel your pain, in the past I have written about how screwed up the BCS system is and this is the perfect example. I really think that it all came down to money and how your team travels with fans to fill up stadiums and that’s why a few of these teams went to BCS games over Mizzou. It’s definitely a shame but as we all know, even the college game is about the almighty dollar. At least the Tigers are playing a New Year’s Day bowl game. The Cottom Bowl once was part of the Big 5 bowls.

Could Berlin Be Another Warner? Not Likely———-

It will be very interesting this week to see if 3rd string quarterback, Brock Berlin will get the start for the Rams. With Mark Bulger at the time of writing this article questionable and Gus Ferrote out with a hurt shoulder, could Berlin be the next Kurt Warner.

Remember this is how it happened for Kurt. He was a nobody and he came in and the rest is history. Okay, maybe I am in lala land but it’s worth a thought or two.

Can you believe the Rams have won 3 of their last 4 and they should have won the 4th game? Last week’s game against the Falcons could and probably should have been a loss as there were some terrible decisions made on behalf of the Falcons coaching staff at the end by not going for the field goal.

That’s all hindsight though as the Rams look forward to a tough schedule ahead after they face the Bengals in Cincinnati. I think they will go 2-2 now until the end and end up 5-11. I think that somewhat satisfactory for the squad with all of the injuries and after a 0-8 start.

Remember, Christmas is only a few weeks away and it’s not about the presents, it’s about family and friends and the time we share with them on the face of this earth. It’s fragile and sometimes short, so enjoy every minute.


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