Jennifer Baker Receives Presidential Award for Excellence in Teaching

Jennifer Baker, a math teacher at Hazelwood West High School, is one of 97 teachers nationwide to received the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST). This is the highest honor given by the United State government specificall for K-12 math and science teaching.

Awardees receive a certificate signed by President Barack Obama, a trip for two to Washington, D.C. to attend a series of recognition events and professional development opportunities and a $10,000 award from the National Science Foundation (NSF). Baker and a guest are invited to Washington D.C. for this year’s three-day recognition program, which begins June 27.

“I am so amazed and overwhelmed,” said Baker. The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education selected her as one of the state-level finalists last fall. “

Baker began her career with the Hazelwood School District as a junior high math teacher in 1985. She started teaching high school math eight years later and in the most recent school year, she taught Algebra She earned her National Board Certification in 2007 and is the past-president of the Mathematics Educators of Great St. Louis. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics education from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale and a Master of Arts degree in instructional technology from Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville and is certified to teach in grades six through 12.

“On a daily basis, Ms. Baker demonstrates her commitment to the students of West High by incorporating a variety of lesson designs and leading the professional development within the math department,” said Dennis Newell, principal.

Applications for the award are reviewed at state and national levels by selection committees of outstanding scientists, mathematicians, education researchers, school and district administrators and educators. Recommendations are sent to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) for final selection. NSF’s Directorate for Education and Human Resources (EHR) administers PAEMST on behalf of OSTP.


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