Good to Hear That Sam Bradford Gives Back to O.U.

By Randy Gardner

With all of the stories that you hear every year about professional athletes blowing money on everything from cars to women, it is great to see that hometown hero Sam Bradford is donating a half of million dollars to Oklahoma University for a new building.

It sounds like a lot, but is it really for a guy who makes $10 million plus a year? In reality it is about 5 percent of a year’s pay for Bradford. Looking at it that way, it is more than you think.

There are far more athletes in the pro leagues that do these kinds of things than we know. Most go unnoticed because the media only wants to focus on the falls and mishaps of all of these players. Even though these guys are doing a great thing, people will look at it and say, they could do more.

You know what? They probably could, but can’t we all do more, no matter what level of money we make in this world?

Is that the determining factor on how much you give back by how much you make? Do you have to be an athlete or a rock star to give back to others? The answer is no. Let me say it again, the answer is no. If we all gave back to the community and others by volunteering time or money, this society would be so much better off, but people say that if only they made more money they would do it. No, they wouldn’t.

You can give back at any level, even if it is only a dollar to a charity. That is still giving of yourself. Maybe it is donating your time and talent to an organization teaching others to be successful. We all have talents; let’s put them to use and help others.

Missed the tryouts at Lingerie Football League

I don’t even know how to tackle this next story due to the fact that I am a very happily married husband, but the Lingerie football league is coming to town and they held their tryouts last week. I wasn’t there, only saw some pictures on the web but they had one heck of a turnout.

I would have loved to have seen the crowd looking on at the tryouts. For those of you who don’t know, the Lingerie football league is a league where women do exactly what it says, play football in lingerie. Leaving it at that, a couple of questions come to mind to leave you with. First off, wardrobe malfunctions— is anyone afraid of the censorship issues with that?  And secondly, they were originally planning to  play at the Family Arena. Does anybody else see anything ironic about that? I guess there is something for everyone in this world.

Then again, this may be all hype as the Lingerie league and the Family Arena could not come up with guarantee dates and money. Perhaps it was a scant issue afterall.

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