Blues at Crossroads, Cards Get Ready For Traditional Season

Randy Gardner
Randy Gardner

by Randy Gardner

As I sit and look out the window at the sunny sky today, I’m reminded that baseball will be starting soon. Pitchers and catchers will be reporting to spring training before we know it and the season will be upon us. We’ll be cheering for our Red Birds. I am really curious to see what this team will look like this year with some of the changes that have been made.


cardsI will talk more about those changes over the next few weeks as we get further into finding out some of the new prospects and veterans that will step up on this team. Either way, as I always say, it doesn’t matter if the Cardinals win or lose, it’s just great to be a Cardinals fan in Cardinals Nation

Just a few weeks ago, the Blues were on an up-and-down roller coaster of a ride before they made a coaching change. I was really surprised that Ken Hitchcock was let go right in the middle of the season. But it seems to be working wonders with this team. The new coach is doing a great job and the team seems to really be responding by winning the last few games. I’m hoping that might be the change that this franchise needs late in the season to make a run for the Stanley Cup.220px-St._Louis_Alternate_Logo

This is that time of year when there are really no sports on TV to watch. Of course there is college basketball, but for many it doesn’t get interesting until March with the big tournament. It actually seems like we just did our brackets.

This year should be interesting as there have been some huge upsets already. I always go with the underdogs as I felt I was always the underdog in life. I was always the smallest player and told that I would never make it. I hung in there and proved everybody wrong being able to play soccer at a very high-level.

I make sure that this is a lesson that I pass on to all of the teams that I coach from the best player down to my lower end players. It’s also a lesson that many parents should learn to pass on to their kids, as I see so many kids that are pushed so hard at a young level and told that they are great and then everybody else catches up to them.

It’s the young athlete who is challenged every day to become better and in the end becomes the best. I see this all the time. Even on my teams right are some kids who probably should have been cut, but I kept them on because they try their hardest and I have a huge heart. They are the kind of players that this coach wants playing on his team.

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