Hazelwood Names New Assistant City Manager


Piotrowicz Suprises City With Her Resignation; Asst. City Manager Named

Hazelwood Councilwoman Pat Piotrowicz has resigned from office effective Sept. 24 but not without sending her colleagues a fond message.

Several council members seemed somewhat taken aback at the Sept. 19 council meeting when Mayor T. R. Carr read the letter of resignation. Piotrowicz was not present at the meeting due to an illness.

Piotrowicz had her foot and ankle broken last year and she explained in the letter that due to the accident she has had physical problems and is planning to sell her house and move to a villa.

“I realized I needed to downsize to a more manageable home and my attention now needs to be focused on getting that accomplished,” she said in the letter.

Her letter was addressed to “My fellow council members” and in it she said, “As a council we have tackled some monumental issues – always looking out for the city. I will miss working on the council with you, but I feel that you and the city staff are on the right path to continue making Hazelwood a proud shining star in North County.”

Mayor Carr said, “She gave the city great service and we will honor her for that.”

After the meeting Councilwoman Peg Lampert said, “Councilwoman Petrowicz’s retirement from the council will certainly leave a void that will be felt by the council, staff and her constituents,. She is a dedicated leader and her participation on the council benefited not only her ward, but the entire city.”

Piotrowicz has represented Ward 8 since 2002 ; she was appointed to replace her late husband, Richard, and she was re-elected in 2005.

In other matters, Mayor Carr introduced the new Miss Hazelwood and her family, and the newly appointed Assistant City Manager, Robert Frank.

Miss Hazelwood 2007 is Emily Daniels, daughter of Dave and Paula Daniels. She has an older sister and older brother and is a junior at Hazelwood West High School. She said she plans to go to Truman State University or the University of Missouri at Columbia.

When asked about being chosen as Miss Hazelwood, she replied “I was really surprised, shocked and very happy. There were several good, qualified girls in the contest and I am pleased to represent Hazelwood, it is a good community.”

When City Manager Ed Carlstrom introduced the new assistant city manager. Carlstrom said he was glad to have Frank as an assistant. “We’re glad to have someone with the great amount of experience he has,” he said.

Frank resides in O’Fallon, Mo. with his wife, Susan. She is a teacher in the Fort Zumwalt School District. He came to Hazelwood after serving as city administrator in Troy, Mo. for about two years. Before that he had been city manager in Ellisville, and had served as city manager in Moberly, Mo. for five years. He served as city administrator for several years in Raymore, Mo.

Frank commented that he is looking forward to working for Hazelwood,. “There is a lot going on; a lot of activities. That is what attracted me to this city,” he said.

In other action two Employee Service Awards were presented to Battalion Chief Randall Getz and Firefighter Richard Paul for 30 years of service in the fire department. Chief Jim Mattheis said, “These two men exemplify the quality of employees we have in the Fire Department.”

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