October Lacks Usual Flare For Pro Sports


Here we go again, the same old story but you know what? It makes it real easy to write my column with the state of sports in St. Louis right now. Who would have ever thought that we would go from the best sports City in the US to maybethe worst?

I guess, I use that term loosely in terms of how bad our teams are stinking it up right now. First off, it’s hard to believe that we will not be seeing any baseball in the St. Louis area in October.

Is it time to go with the youth movement with this team? Many would argue yes after seeing youngsters come in and play like David Eckstein does. I am not so sure of that.

Energetic athletes also make mistakes and I think that the veterans on any team provide that leadership that helps them through bad times. I just think that we have to weed out the has beens and add a few key players into this lineup to compliment what we have. And, of course, get healthy..

Injury Bug Also Dooms Rams———-
As far as the St. Louis Rams, the injury bug can be to blame somewhat but what about the play calling. I have not seen a pass over 15 yards in several games.

The play calling is so easy to read, even my wife calls out that it is going to be a run or pass. You have to go downfield sometimes at least. If Marc Bulgers ribs are hurting him, get him out. At some point he becomes a liability to the team.

Every time Bulger gets up off of the turf he is grinching in pain and keeps his arm tucked closely to his body. I know he doesn’t want to come out but we have to have a passing game or we are sitting ducks. We have Bruce, Bennett, and Holt, Why not utilize them on more than a one- yard out pass and hope that the opposition misses their tackle?

It makes me sick. I know that someone has to step up and get this team fired up but did you ever think that it would be Isaac Bruce saying that this team would win, guaranteed. That’s crazy. That just makes it even worse when you lose.

Guarantee when you have an opportunity to win. I really hope this team gets it together soon or you’re going to see some empty seats in that Dome starting this week.

It will really be interesting to see how Kurt Warner will fare against the Rams on Sunday. Is it fate that he has earned the starting position and will make his debut against the Rams? Honestly, you know he is a dome turf quarterback. This could be his week.

I really think that we will hear the loudest cheer of the afternoon for Kurt Warner, one of the good guys in the world of sports. Isn’t it ironic how what comes around goes around.

But there is light on the local sports horizon. The St. Louis Blues open the season in Phoenix Thursday night!

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