Mixed Emotions On Tony LaRussa’s Return


Big news in the world of baseball as Tony LaRussa is back for another two seasons of Cardinals Baseball as their manager.

Some people are disappointed but others are very happy. I am kind of a fence rider as I have seen Tony do some great things for this ball club and this town but I have also seen how Tony has been with the team and the media this past year. He wasn’t always the kindest and many players said that his negative attitude started to rub off on the players. This is what we don’t need.

Tony talked about making a fresh start with Scott Rolen, a veteran on this team that was very outspoken about Tony in the past. There are many other players and situations that need some mending after last year.

To much surprise, Tony got a 40 percent pay increase. Many would say, does he deserve it? Lets break this down and take a look at evaluating Tony— do you do it on one season or do you look back at his tenure with the team and what he has done.? Again, I am on the fence with this one.

You have to give a guy his due for what he has done but I think you do it coming off of a big year not a losing one. Keep the same salary and load it with incentives. I think everyone would work a little harder in the world if our salaries were all incentive based.

We will see though, he has a lot to live up to. Hopefully, he gets a GM that he likes and has the same ideas or this is going to be a long two years for a St. Louis team.

Linehan Starting to Sound Like Martz———-

I have followed this Rams team here in St. Louis since the glory days and I have to say I think I have seen it all by now. At Coach Scott Linehan’s last press conference, if you closed your eyes and just listened, I swear that it was Mike Martz talking in that cynical low tone voice.

I know Linehan is going through a tough time and he is tired of answering the same questions from the media but let’s show some of that teed off emotion that head coaches show when they are mad and can’t understand what is going on.

You look at the defense and they have not allowed a 100 yard rusher yet this year, but then you look at the offense this year: no rushing TDs , only 4.5 average points per game, last in the NFL. What not mix it up, you have nothing to.

Did you watch any of the Baseball playoffs; boy did the Cleveland Indians fold like a deck of cards or what? Now it is the Colorado Rockies against the Boston Red Sox. I really think that the team that wins the first game will win it all. I will go Colorado in 6. Maybe a little risky but I think they will do it.

Next week, I will talk more about the two teams that are making this town proud right now and that is the Blues and the Mizzou Tigers—man is it fun to watch these teams right now.

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