Scenes from the 202 Greater North County Chamber of Commerce Business Showcase Held March 31 at Jamestown Mall

Photos by Bob Lindsey

St. Louis County Police officers from the North Precinct talked to passersby and answered questions from residents attending the Business Sho


Jamestown New Horizons, which offers horseback riding for the handicapped, also had a booth at the event.
Michael Johnson, sale director at The Bridge at Florissant, the area’s newest retirement center, talks with a visitor as she gave out tote bags to patrons


Lillie Dumas and Joyce Goodwin of Commerce Bank passed out information about the banks’s many features at the Sample North County event.


BJC Christian Hospital conducted blood sugar testing at the event.


Accessible Play, a group raising funds to build a playground complex for handicapped children, were represented at the showcase.


Nel from Community Animal Hospital in Hazelwood is always a popular draw at the Greater North County Chamber Business showcase. With ”Nel” is Sheri Gouro (right) and June Mueller (left)


Coleen Simon and Arthur Williams of Crystal Creek Health and Rehabilitation Center talk with visitor at the Business Showcase held Marhc 31 at Jamestown Mall.


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