Ferguson-Florissant School District Awards Students

The Ferguson-Florissant School District Board of Education will take time to honor the accomplishments of students and staff at its 7 p.m. monthly board meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 11. Honorees’ names will be read, and they will be applauded as they walk forward to receive certificates of appreciation and pats on the back from board members.

“Our district really does serve as a positive role model in the community,” said Supt. Art McCoy. “The accomplishments of our students and staff serve as proof that there can be high achievement for all through equity and excellence every day. They also establish us as a trailblazer locally, statewide and beyond,” he said.

Elite FFSD students named KMOX/SEMO Students of Achievement. Jessica Brinkley, a McCluer High School student, and Melanie Gray, a McCluer South-Berkeley High School student, are 2012-13 KMOX/Southeast Missouri State University Students of Achievement.

The award, sponsored by KMOX Radio, SEMO, the Suburban Journals and the Nine Network of Public Media recognizes 30 elite juniors for their achievement in academics, athletics, the arts, community service and leadership. Students of Achievement receive a $3,000 scholarship to SEMO that is renewable if they maintain a 3.5 cumulative SEMO GPA and complete 30-SEMO credit hours. Jessica and Melanie will be honored at a luncheon in May, and their achievements will be publicized by KMOX Radio, the Suburban Journals and the Nine Network.

MN’s Alex Schwan receives honorable mention in Des Lee art showcase. Schwan’s stunning self-portrait “Flight” was selected by Tuan Nguyen, education manager at the Contemporary Art Museum of St. Louis, for display at the E. Desmond Lee Fine Arts Education Collaboration Visual Arts Showcase held Nov. 30 at Powell Symphony Hall. Alex’s two-dimensional artwork displays her back transformed into a runway for a flock of vibrant birds. The McCluer North High School senior received honorable mention for the piece created with colored pencils and metallic markers.

MN’s Visual Arts Department chairperson, Dorothy Morris, is very optimistic about Alex’s future. “I’ve been teaching for more than 30 years, and Alex is one of my three most gifted students. She is a very impressive and talented young woman but also very focused and success-driven. She has been

McCluer North’s Rachel Franck is the Suburban North Conference Softball Player of the Year for the second year in a row. The senior was selected by SNC coaches for the accolade because of her superior softball skills. Rachel plays on the varsity softball team as a pitcher and outfielder. She also holds a 4.0 GPA. Rachel is certain that she would like to teach elementary school children, but she is still deciding what school she will attend after she graduates in May.



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