Matheny Was The Right Choice to Lead Cardinals

By Randy Gardner

What a move by the St. Louis Cardinals naming Mike Matheny as the new manager.  I love it, I absolutely love it. You know my stance on sports in general, that there are not enough stand up guys with good morals and good work ethics in the game right now.

The hiring of Mike Matheny right now as a young guy with a fabulous background. A true St. Louis guy that cares about the community and the Birds on the bat. I think with all of the turmoil of Tony leaving and Albert Pujols up in the air, that bringing in someone from the outside would have just felt wrong in some way.

I know the former catcher  is young and that seems to be the  biggest complaint, plus the fact  that he has no managerial experience. But what the heck, the game is different now.

All of these older managers can’t understand the mentality of the younger player, the game is different even in the past 10 years.

I love the move, and I think that the organization will be better off in the long run with Mattheny at the helm. Although, I don’t think the transition would have been so smooth if the Cards would not have won the World Series.

Everyone is always asking me if I think that the Cards will sign Pujols. I have said since the beginning, I think they will. If I was a betting man, the Cards with Mattheny will stitch up a deal shortly with terms slightly in the middle or favoring to the side of Pujols wants and demands. Honestly, I think that he should get what he deserves but he had better perform at the highest of levels.

I am all about fairness in this world. You get what you deserve when you work hard. Too many people just want things handed to them in life. You have to bust your butt, no matter what you do to be the best. Even though you might not think anybody is watching, they are. You will be rewarded someday.

         Rams Wins, But are Still Frustrating       

The Rams are a completely different story, I was on the edge of my seat on Sunday as I watched this team struggle to put points on the board. As far as defensively, wow, either the Rams are playing great or the other teams can’t put up points either. All field goals over the past few weeks, that’s not bad.

The Rams need the offense to step up though as we consistently watch passes being dropped all over the field. It was not pretty last week against the Browns, but they did what we had to do to win. If they can squeak out a few more wins here and there, the season can maybe be close to .500. I think that would please many fans but sooner or later the fans are going to revolt on the franchise after continuing to have sub par years, year after year, with a quarterback that is making 50 million dollars.

They have to get some receivers in the lineup. Steven Jackson cannot continue to be the workhorse week after week for this team. Everyone knows how to defend the Rams, the team is one dimensional.

Finally this week, never give up on anything, I have started coaching my sons 1st grade indoor soccer team, they have never played indoor before. Over the past 2 weeks, we have scored 5 goals, the opponents 32 goals. It is frustrating but I have to heed my own advice that I give. Hang in there be strong and believe in yourself. I will do it, you do it too, everyday with every aspect of life

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