Sports Today No Longer Expectism


What has this world come to in terms of sports? It used to be that sports was a chance for all of us to get away from our daily problems and step into a world that was untouched by those nasty rumors and daily grinds.

Now it seems like the world of sports has more problems than most our lives put together. Can you believe all of the situations in the NBA, NFL, and MLB? Okay where do we even start? How about with baseball. How many of you are cheering for Barry Bonds even though the allegations are out there that he was juicing for many years. It seems like everyone in San Francisco cares about what Bond does, but anywhere else he goes they are just flat out booing him.

Should this record have an asterisk behind it when it is broken or will everyone forget about it after a few years? What will we tell our grandkids about the record, how do we explain that it was all right to cheat at a sport and then be in the record books.

A side note to this is the fight between Barry and Bob Costas, an NBC Broadcaster. Bob, on the morning show the other day threw out one last comment that pretty much said it like many of you think it, he is a baseball player that was on the juice. Period. Cheater.

—–Michael Vick May Get 2nd Chance
Now on to the NFL, How about this Michael Vick situation. This is a guy that pretty much lost everything. He had a great life on the top of his game and he now faces time in prison. All of his contracts are pulling out now in terms of endorsements.

This is a society though of redemption and I think that after Vick spends sometime in prison, some NFL team will give him another chance. I think the NFL and to think about it, all sports give people way to many chances. In most jobs, the first time you are caught doing something illegal you are gone, no questions asked.

This goes back to that theory that athletes make to much money and feel that they are above the law. We are seeing around the league though that many players are being put out for multiple games do to misconduct.

—–Rams Training Camp Always Fun
On a much lighter note, Rams training camp has been enjoyable so far as the weather has been very bearable, and I know the players are loving it. I am very impressed with Drew Bennet, the wide receiver that we got from the Titans. This guy is 6- foot- 6 and will bring another dimension to this receiving core. He has a lot of personality too. He fits in well and is great with the media.

It was also nice to see Marc Bulger get his payday and be locked up for several years, now he just has to perform. I think last year he was still trying to get used to the new system of not forcing the ball into someone like Mike Martz would make him do, that attitude of take a chance, if we get an interception who cares, well get the ball back.

He looks good as does Bruce and Holt, both working hard and looking good. If you get a chance, get out and see the open practices for the fans at the Russell training facility in Earth City. It’s worth the trip to Rams Park.

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