I’d Rather Watch the Series From Comfort of My Home

By Randy Gardner

Here we are as fans, watching the World Series with so much anxiousness we can hardly sit still, at least it is this way for me and the way it was for many in nerve-wrecking the National League championship series.

Even though I will be watching every game from the couch, I will be warm and well fed. Can you believe the ticket prices for the Series?

I know it is sold out and it is one of the hardest tickets to get but a thousand dollars a ticket—that’s insane.

I know you miss out on the craziness of being at the game but isn’t it just as fun to sit and watch it somewhere that is free. Maybe I am just cheap, I don’t know, but with everyone saying the economy is bad, a lot of people are dolling out some dough to go to the ball game, I heard a couple of people say that they would miss their car or house payment to go. That is what is wrong with this world right now, no sense of responsibility. That is a whole ‘nother subject and I will save that for after the Series.

If you look back a few weeks ago at my column, I said the Cards are about to get hot and go all the way. Am I a sports genius, heck no. I am just another person who writes about sports and gets lucky with my predictions half the time, okay 25 percent of the time.

Don’t let these guys fool you that break down the games by numbers. Any team can beat any team on any given day. Bundle up and stay warm if you are going to the games, eat a hot dog and some nachos for me. Go Cards.

Let’s bring home that 11th World Series trophy, but it won’t be easy against these Texas Rangers, a team built much like the Cardinals but even more power.

The Rams continue their winning ways, oh that’s right, wrong team. Who would have ever thought that we would be worse than the Detroit Lions. The Rams just can’t get it together these days. I don’t think that anyone expected them to win any of these games so far this season but they are getting it handed to them.

I am almost embarrassed for them, eventually the team will squeak one out and we might get back on the right track, until then, we can rest our sports hopes on the Cardinals.

Indy Cars Don’t Belong on Oval Tracks

You all know by now that I am a huge race car fan, NASCAR more than Indy racing but this past weekend there was a fatality in Indy Car racing. It doesn’t matter who and how old but this was a young guy who was very popular, married with kids and last year’s Indy 500 winner.

These Indy cars go well over 200 miles per hour, and when they race on these oval tracks it is nothing but a recipe for disaster, Jimmie Johnson of NASCAR fame says to stop the oval racing, I would second that. Get these cars back on the road courses where they belong. Many might disagree with me, but with this open wheel concept it takes a fraction of an inch of tires rubbing to cause what happened last weekend. Sports are great when they are safe.

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