Kurt Seemed To Show More Favoritism to Cardinals Than Rams


Here we are two weeks in a row sitting back and reveling in the joys of a St. Louis Rams Road win against the Arizona Cardinals. This game from the beginning was a Rams game as they fully controlled all aspects of it. It was a fun one to watch.

Randy Gardner photo**

What made this game even more interesting was to listen to Kurt Warner as the color analyst try to stay impartial to any team or any franchise but if you listened closely, I think he was more partial to the Cardinals. He never mentioned the Greatest Show on Turf.

I know he played in Arizona for the last five years of his career but come on Kurt, you won a Super Bowl in St. Louis and is truly the poster boy for the Face of Football here. The Rams are now 6-6 and in a real playoff hunt. Can you believe it?

I am really happy because I picked this team to go 8-8 and basically got laughed at. We will see though, anything can happen.

How Many Care About Minor Bowls

The Missouri Tigers made it to a bowl game against Iowa. How many of you really care if it is not one of the big bowl games? The response I have gotten to that question has been mixed as some say don’t look a gift horse in the mouth as we should be happy that they are a good team and even going to a bowl game.

Realistically though, do these little bowl games really make a difference or are they just about the money. If the team doesn’t travel well with the fans (like Mizzou at smaller bowl games) , the schools often lose money.

I personally think it is way too long of a wait for these Bowl games after the season is over, some up to 30 days away. That is ridiculous. There should be a playoff system to get to the championship game.

The BCS Big Game will be a good one though as Oregon and Auburn, both deserving,  will face off. I hope Oregon stomps Auburn after the scandal that the school and Cam Newton has gone through. In his favor however, is that the NCAA ruled that Cam knew nothing about his dad’s efforts. His father’s actions set the stage for the future of NCAA athletics and the NCAA has just allowed it to go on.

Get the Kids Real Sports Equipment

As we get close to Christmas here, I spent some time looking through the ads on what to get my kids. To my surprise everything is digital or computer games. What happened to the good old fashioned football or soccer ball?

This is why we have the problems we do with obesity with the youth. Let’s buy our kids another digital toy so they can sit in the house and get no exercise or interaction with other kids. We need to get back to the good old fashioned put the kids outside and play routine. They might get a bit cold but don’t you remember the good old days when we used to play outside until it got dark. Cold or not! Happy Holidays.

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