Rams Taking Another Chance With Contract Extension to Nick Foles

By Randy Gardner

**Randy Gardner photo**Here we go again with the St. Louis Rams. Did they not learn a lesson with Sam Bradford, paying him all of this money and then everything falling apart? Now the Rams bring in Nick Foles and pay him almost half of what they paid Sam but on a scale of year-to-year it could be more.

I really think that the franchise would benefit and fans would love it if players were paid on a pay as you perform basis.

I talk about this all of the time but what other job do you have that you get paid before you even start to perform?

Well, I guess we all get this but in terms of this kind of money in this kind of performance framework, it seems ridiculous to me. Set a minimum so that everyone can make a great living and then everything else is performance based. This will push athletes to become better and push to achieve goals.

There are so many people just not talking about the Rams. Is this lack of buzz a good thing so that the fans are not expecting big things? In years past, we all have expected a lot but not much was accomplished. Maybe the scare of the Rams leaving town has made fans sit on the fence. I am so curious to see the ratings on TV and see the crowd attendance, especially at the pre-season games.

Remember: no matter how negative I talk about the team and franchise sometimes, winning will solve everything. Just think about the scenario if the Rams would win the Super Bowl, what kind of predicament would this put the NFL and the franchise and fans in respect to leaving St. Louis.

Change is Always Scary at First

Sometimes in life the tree branch that you are following suddenly makes a quick turn or it breaks off. I always talk about this kind of stuff but that branch has changed for myself. I respect people who take a chance whether it is by accident or by choice. All I can say is that change is scary but in the end can make you a stronger person.

Just think about athletes at the trade deadline. They may set down roots in a city and suddenly tomorrow they’re on a plane to a new place. Just remember: take one step at a time and enjoy life and all of its challenges.

It’s comparable to seeing my pre K-boys soccer team practice for the first time and then see my 5th grade team practice. It’ s all about growth. Growing every day in life. Make yourself better by 1 percent each day. Within 3 months you will be almost 100 percent better than you are today.



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