Joe Harl to Give Spanish Land Grant Park Archaeological Dig Presentation, Sept. 29

Spanish Land Grant Park Dig Presentation set for Sept. 29

In early 2004 a small group of interested Florissant residents came together, applied for and received a grant from the Missouri Department of Natural Resources State Historic Preservation Office. Under the direction of Joe Harl, President of the Archaeological Research Center, and these determined Florissant residents, an archeological dig in Spanish Land Grant Park was completed.  Many significant artifacts were uncovered, giving us even greater knowledge of a city so rich in historic value.

Harl will give a short presentation, ” 12,000 Years of Florissant History-The Pre-History,” on Thursday, Sept. 29, at 7 p.m., at the James J. Eagan Center.

Members of the Landmarks Historic District Commission will be available to answer questions about the district. Light refreshments will be provided by the newest occupant of the Florissant Train Depot, DeLish.

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